Salam and Duaien ...
So friends finally Pakistan has witnessed a "TREASON TRIAL" and 'THE VERDICT' thereof ... (its impact on the already polarised polity not an object) ... It seems though, every other affliction of THE STATE AND INHABITANTS stands cured and the TIME WAS RIPE TO wash the linen once forever.
... and when you judge between people - judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing. AL-NISA [4] : 58.
Certain questions, {aberrations} however, may be bothering some people:-
- Highly revered and honest to the bones honourable Chief Justice Iftikhar Ch (Retd) under whose charge the treason case was registered had no personal axe to grind against the hence incapacitated Commander In Chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces?
- Ruling Party of 2013 and Judiciary was not driven by any streak of vengeance/vendetta and that due process of the law took place as per the Quranic Injunctions, ".... and DO NOT LET THE HATRED OF A PEOPLE PREVENT YOU FROM BEING JUST ... AL-MAIDA [5] : 8.?
- The Constitutional Violation committed on November 3 2007 was bigger than any other violation since 1950s?
- Will something happen to 'Abettors' in this case and other Violators starting from Ghulam Muhammad, Sikandar Mirza, along with indemnifying Judges wearing the Gown of Doctrine of Necessity from Munir to Ifthikhar Ch (all others included?
- What about the politicians who joined hands with the Violators and sucked the last ounce of blood from the economic veins of the country from ...1958 to 2007?
- 'JUSTICE IS CONSCIENCE' - what about hundreds sitting in the August Houses and Revered Offices of the country WHO WERE WITH THE ACCUSED?
Justice must reign supreme without prejudice or preferences so:-
All the MOVERS, APPROVERS and VAMPIRES of last seven decades must face the gallows living or dead.
Application of LAW must be CONSISTEN AND FOR ALL قانون سب کے لیے یکساں اور یکسویٔ سے and with that do ponder over following:
محبتیں بوئیے ۔۔۔
نفرتوں کے کانٹے چلنا دشوار کر دیتے ہیں۔
صحرا میں کھڑے سایہ دار درخت پر پرخاشوں کی آری چل جاے تو چلچلاتی دھوپ میں بلبلاتی موت گھات میں بیٹھ جاتی ہے۔
قافلے والے باہمی کینے پال لیں تو منزلیں دور و دشوار ہو جاتی ہیں۔
دشمن تاک میں ہوں تو آپسی نفرتوں کو طاق میں رکھ دینا چاہیے۔
زوروں پہ سلیمؔ اب کے ہے نفرت کا بہاؤ
جو بچ کے نکل آئے گا تیراک وہی ہے
Tailpiece. Summit must have the Pak Representation at the highest level. We must look after the interest of brotherly countries according them the status of 'FRIENDS but definitely not MASTERS'.
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