Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

ؑ1999 - Emergency Plus - Verdict and History . . .

Salam and Duaien . . .

Friends in my preceding Blog I had raised certain questions about the initiation of the case and verdict thereof. I am no expert to comment on the decision (its postmortem is being done by the best in the business) ... The hate factor though is discernible  ... 

Why Army did what it did on that fateful day of October 1999? (Para 56 of the verdict indicts the then Military High Command markedly). What were the options available to the then Senior  Echelon of Army? Before that a little peep in facts/history:-
Pakistani Rulers (Civ/Mil) starting from GM-Sikandar Mirza duo down to present dispensation have displayed a conspicuous tendency to go for 'PERSONAL COMFORT/LIKING and TRACTABILITY of the selected Men/Women' while making the appointments of Heads of the Institutions, Members of the Cabinet and other Constitutional/Administrative bodies, conveniently sacrificing Seniority, Neutrality, Merit and the Best National Interest ... (Often regretting the decisions later on).
Appointing Authority consciously/sub c wants  selectees to be ever obedient, pliant and obliged, forgetting that they have a responsibility towards their Institutions. When 'For-Granted' sense makes the Chooser transgress the lines, reality dawns and self created phantoms start setting ... result - confrontations.    
In the case of Service Heads, it is pertinent to note that whatever their seniority amongst the contenders, they are top of the line professionals because the system of progression in the Armed Forces is very transparent, highly objective and totally merit based ... (Exceptions may be there but exceptions are never a rule).
GPM was a military professional par excellence right through his brilliant career. He was accessible, readily mixing with his subordinates (at time going way beyond...) with enormous camaraderie. He might not have been very ambitious because his penchant for 'Recreational Activities'  could put him in trouble which I am certain, must have been the case. 
After premature retirement of GJK, he was preferred over two equally brilliant commanders who preceded him in seniority. Not going into the details of 'Falling-Off', his deposition while he was in the air after an official visit to Sri Lanka put the Army Command in a quandary ... Options were:-

  1.  To let him die a death of helplessness along with other passengers as the plane carrying him was running out of fuel and the orders were, 'NOT TO LET IT LAND', or allow diversion of the air craft to an enemy airport.   
  2. To act and save the precious lives and head of their Institution. 
The then Army High Command went for the second option... and ...  that entire action was declared Kosher by the Highest Court of the Land. Question is what do the Paras 55 and 56 of the present verdict do with that SCP Decision?

Friends I feel the elders of the land have to put their heads together to sort out all the anomalies once for all:- 
All Pillars are important, therefore, Lines have to be refreshed and if required redefined. Areas of Operations with limits reviewed. No transgression, no interference. Merit based appointments. Accountability supervised performances. Transparent actions and voluntary admissions.  Evaluation and scrutiny incorporated actions. Polarisation must end. Corrupt practices be buried. Old is gold but it may be time to give way to new so political leadership must automatically retire/be replaced after eight to ten years. FairPlay, Values and Respect be the hallmark ... 

ریاستِ مدینہ تبھی بن سکتی ہے جب رہنمائ اور اطاعتِ کلیہ مدینے والے آقاصلی اللہ علیہ  وسلم  کی ہو ۔ نہیں تو سب بولہبی ہے

So everything we do should strengthen Pakistan

سدا سلامت پاکستان تا قیامت پاکستان


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