Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

6:25 PM



Allah Karim Says in Quran "So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?" AR-RAHMAN {55}

Pakistan is one of the choicest and the most merciful favours of ALLAH SWT for all Pakistanis. It came into being against the heaviest of the odds:
  • Sub-Continent has a recorded history of thousands of years. It has been/is home to more the 330 million 'deities' and could never reconcile with 'GOD IS ONE - THE WAY OF ISLAM'. 
  • Muslims who came from Arabian Peninsula in Eighth Century or the local converts, have been (are still considered) 'outsiders'. 
  • Colonial Rulers and Hindu Majority contested the very idea of a separate home land for Muslims. 
  • Muslims were a minority, scattered through out India, besides a major Muslim School of Thought opposed, the creation of Pakistan tooth and nail.
  • Despite the opposition and adversities, Pakistan emerged on the map of the world one day prior to India's new birth only due to KUN of Allah Karim and the fact that Rasululah SAWS used to feel the fresh and fragrant air coming from Hind. 
"So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?" AR-RAHMAN {55}

Regrettably not only that we have denied this favour of Allah SWT; some of us are hell bent upon undoing it: 
"Surely, man is ungrateful to his Lord." AL-ADIYAT [100]:6

There are masses, called AWAM. They are 98 percent of the total population. THEY ARE VOICELESS, DEPRIVED, COERCED AND UNDER PRIEVILIEGED. They can be killed, maimed, tortured and for all that is done to them, NO ONE BEARS THE RESPONSIBILITY. Their lot is to suffer, follow blindly, ask no questions, raise planted slogans and GET THEIR SELF ESTEEM HURT BY ANY T, D and H. Subjects for-granted in all respects.

Then there are rulers {both Civilians and Military}, less than .1 percent of the total populace. THEY ARE UNACCOUNTABLE; THEY LIE, CHEAT, KILL, LOOT, PLUNDER, LAUNDER AT WILL. All the TEAMS, NABBERS, INVESTIGATORS, ADJUDICATORS and OVERSEERS are there to ensure that they are EXONERATED .... پر اُتھے کی بنسی ...... WHERE NOTHING SHALL PREVAIL:
Today We shall seal up their mouths and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will bear witness to their misdeeds. YA-SIN {36}:65.
RULERS USUALLY RUN AWAY WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH. THEY DINE, WINE AND HIBERNATE in their Palatial Homes in foreign lands till the arrival of the opportune moment TO START AFRESH FROM WHERE THEY HAD 'RUN FOR DEAR LIFE'. They have no capacity to learn from their mistakes. They have, however, acquired a new skill TO UNITE whenever there is a WIND OF CHANGE to ensure that status-quo is maintained. NOTHING SUPERSEDES THIR SELF INTEREST. Their Money and properties in the foreign lands are more than the accumulated holdings of the STATE and its CITIZEN.  

They feel that FEAR OF ALLAH is only for the poor and NOTHING BINDS THEM, and fallaciously assume that they may get through Him too WHO HAS WARNED:
Believers, be strict in upholding justice and bear witness for the sake of God, even though it be against yourselves, your parents, or your kindred. Be they rich or poor, God knows better about them both. Do not, then, follow your own desires, lest you swerve from justice. If you conceal the truth or evade it, then remember that God is well aware of all that you do. AN-NISA{4}:135.
Then there are those (who can matter if they want to ... if only they stop playing puppet to the jugglers) who are IN THE SERVICE OF THE STATE. Most of them too lack THE RESPECT FOR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, take their due share to infringe upon the Rights of others AND TO DECIMATE AND GET DECIMATED  (حصہ بقدرِ جُثہ). 

Religious Leaders of all Muslim Sects and other Religions are the best manipulators of people and their progeny. They seldom do what they preach and rarely preach what is ordained by Allah SWT. They concoct,  interpret and implement what SUITS THEM.... Following Ayats are for ordinary beings, RELIGIOUS LEADERS WILL TRY TO PRESENT SOME ALIBIS 'THERE' also.
You are indeed the best community that has ever been brought forth for [the good of] mankind. You enjoin what is good, and forbid what is evil, and you believe in God. If the People of the Book had also believed, it would have surely been better for them. Some of them are true believers, but most of them are disobedient. AL-I-IMRAN {3}:110. 

ANY HOPE FOR CHANGE .... YES .... WHEN THE 98 PERCENT AWAM REALIZE AND GET UP ..... IT MAY JUST HAPPEN ...... THEN ہمارا پاکستان would be ALLAH, RASUL and Founding Father's PAKISTAN where there will be PEACE, LOVE, JUSTICE, BROTHERHOOD, EQUALITY AND TRANQUILITY ... WHERE THERE SHALL BE NO COERCION IN MATTERS OF FAITH (AL-BAQARA {2}:256, WHERE THE RULER WILL BE CONSCIOUS OF THE FACT THAT "ماڈل ٹاون کیا راوی کے کنارے کتا بھی مر گیا تو روزِ قیامت میں جواب دہ ھوں گا" 



Sunday, May 24, 2015

12:11 PM

آنے والا پل جانے والا ھے ۔ ۔ ۔


JazakAllah & DHERON DUAIEN for your very kind messages, so thoughtful of you all ;  YOU ALL MADE MY {BIRTH} DAY.

As I take stock of the years gone by; I find BLESSINGS, BLESSINGS and BLESSINGS of Allah Karim all along. Wonderful life, great opportunities, شجرِ سایہ دار family, sincere friends, Illuminating elders and loving & obedient young ones.

Complementary side though displays 'emptiness' کجھ نہیں اپنے پلے, the time is running out; 

Doubling the days; no question, 
Half of it very remote; 
Few more - a possibility only, 

Allah SWT Says in Quran "And he to whom We grant long life We reverse in creation; so will they not understand?" YASIN 36 : 68. Systems and organs denote 'definite decay'.

NO PREPARATION AT ALL.... still at the first stage ... shared with animals ..NAFS-E-AMMARA (EAT, DRINK, SLEEP and 'REPRODUCE').

LAWAMA, which produces remorse and differentiates us from the animals ... FOLLOWED by MUTMA'INA, RAZIA and MARZIYA astronomical miles away .... کے بنسی؟,  {again ALLAH KARIM's RAHMA)...

But the effort 'TO BE' can start as its never too late ... اللہ کریم توفیق عطا فرما ۔

لکھ حساب میں کیتے، اج تاہیں، کی پایا کی کھویا
ھر واری گل مکدی اس تے، جو پایا سو کھویا۔

ڈھیروں دعایں

Akhtar N Janjua

Thursday, May 14, 2015

10:39 AM


Salam !

Enemy aided by THE ENEMY strikes yet again. Innocents' blood spills once more. Nation is mourning. Strategists, Planners and Decision Makers are in a huddle. GLOOM REIGNS AND GRIEF RAINS.

Trauma aside, Nation Pakistan is NOT A QUITTER. WE NEVER GIVE UP and we wont come what may. THE WAR IS ON and the Killers, their abetters, masters and kissers, Traitors and the CORRUPT must understand 'THEIR DAYS ARE NUMBERED' because either 'THEY' or 'WE' can exist, NO OTHER OPTION.

Some wise man's thoughts on the subject are:

Only those who fail to recognise the inner strength say: ‘we lost,’ and be done.
Others, even though they are suffering, will allow themselves to shed a few tears, but will be ready to TAG IN AGAIN.
They know that this is merely a pause in the fighting and that, for the moment, they are at a disadvantage.
They’re aware of being under tension. They discover that, despite the fear, THEIR FAITH IS STILL ALIVE IN THEIR SOUL, DRIVING THEM ONWARD.
They take advantage of this moment of GRIEF to heal their wounds, devise new strategies and equip themselves better.
They get up and face their opponent, remembering the suffering they have endured and which they no longer wish to endure.
Their previous ordeal means that THIS TIME THEY MUST WIN, because they DON'T WANT TO SUFFER THE SAME PAIN AGAIN.
But if victory is not theirs this time, it will be the next time. And if not the next time, then the time after that. 

So the important thing is to get back on the feet.

Because 'DEFEATED' is he, WHO GIVES UP.

Duain for all ....

Akhtar N Janjua

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2:30 PM



We are living in times where 'UNIMAGINABLE' is the norm, 
'UNFORESEEN' is the ultimate happening, 
'HEARTLESSNESS" is the definitive truth, 
'CORRUPTION' is the complete creed .... and .....
'DECEIT' is the critical canon.
{Country bore another dastardly strike where dozens of innocents have been mowed down in a Bus mercilessly. Routine condemnations, 5 lacs for the deceased and 2 for the injured .... AND THE BOOK CLOSED.... I L W I R.}

The subject, however, pertains to a news item regarding syllabi changes in the history books for the PUNJAB Secondary School Students. Hope and pray that it is not true but if it is then.....  

The visionless and shortsighted trend setters must realize the inherent dangers lurking around their desire to 'settle the score'. The Centre of Gravity of the Nation seems to be the target but then there are implications about the NATIONAL INTEGRATION and FEDERATION. May like to visualise .....

  • You do it in Punjab, who will stop Sindh not to incorporate chapters on 1977? 
  • KPK and Balochistan will like to edit their history books. 
  • Kashmir and GB will bring out their Editions.         
JAAG PUNJABI JAAG of 1988 saw it being echoed as JAAG MOHAJIR JAAG in 2015 ..... 

What are we doing for the Nation and posterity ? ? ???


Akhtar N Janjua