Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Friday, May 27, 2022

2:05 PM

A Page From President Ayub's Diaries . . .

When Governor West Pakistan Malik Amir Muhammad Khan resigned, 'Military Ruler' Ayub Khan appointed Gen M. Musa Khan as the new Governor ... His instructions in writing to the new Governor are worth a thought  .... Wish 'Democratic Despots' too had similar vision.

Lets go straight to the subject.

1.    Be Fair, Just and Firm. 
2.    See that the Administrative Organs that are created function properly. In other words, instead of the Administration being personal, Institutionalise it. In other words give directive to the Ministers and the Officials and see that they carry them out.

 3.    Some departure is sometimes necessary, but by and large don't allow the Administration to be used for political ends or interfered with. 

4.    Encourage good people, but don't hesitate to go for those who are not pulling their weight. 

5.    Allow autonomous bodies freedom to operate within their charter, but carry out personal supervision constantly to ensure optimum efficiency.

6.    Get to know the background of the Ministers, and Public Men and their mutual relationship. Don't allow anyone to mislead you. When in doubt check up with some reliable and knowledgeable people or with me. 

7.    Allow the relationship between the central and provincial ministers to operate on institutional basis, so that the coordination of effort and implementation policy is constant and natural amongst them. 

8.    A large number of people would want to see you. You can't always fulfil their demands, but if you listen patiently, they will get some satisfaction. Be a good listener. 

9.    See your Ministers and their Secretaries on a regular basis. 

10.    Maintain good relationship with the High Court. 

11.    See that the Government cases whenever instituted are carefully prepared. This will need correct manning and supervision of the Law Ministry and Home Ministry. 

12.    Got to know the background of the opposition parties and their leaders, their intentions and activities. By and large their activities will be agitational, so a constant watch over them is necessary and so is the need to deal with them timely if they unduly transgress. They will be especially active when the EBDO is lifted. 

13.    Keep a watch on the Press and Student community. 

14.    Watch Sectarianism. 

15.    See that the Administration is development oriented and assigned to promote progress. Quick decisions and implementation necessary. 

16.    Industries in private sector should be broad-based and diversified. Emphasis on industrialisation, increased agriculture output, and family planning. 

17.    Study literature on reforms and organisational matters. Have a knowledge of the Constitution. Know something about preventive laws.  



مانا کہ اس زمیں کو نہ گلزار کر سکے

کچھ خار کم تو کر گئے گزرے جدھر سے ہم




Monday, May 2, 2022

12:55 PM

ڈھونڈھ اُسے بدلتی رُتوں میں - -

ماحولیات کی وزیر صاحبہ کا ٹویٹ پڑھنے کو ملا جہاں انہوں نے مئی میں گرمی کی شدید لہر سے خبردار

 کیا ہے۔  یہ رُتیں بھی عجیب ہیں۔۔ ابھی تو چند ہفتے پہلے یخ بختہ ہواوں کا راج تھا اور اب یہ لہرِ نارِ رواں۔ 

یہی تو فطرت کی خوبصورتی ہے، یہی گردشِ ایام ہے، کبھی کے دن بڑے اور کبھی کی راتیں۔ 

کبھی کپکپاتا جاڑا اور کبھی آگ اُگلتا ہاڑ۔ 

کبھی کھلے پھولوں کی بہار اور کبھی سوکھے ہوے پتوں کی پھوار۔ 

اور اس سب میں نہ کسی  کی جیت نہ کسی کی ہار۔

یہ صرف اور صرف زندگی اور زندگی کی زندگی کا نام ہے۔

‎ اس چکر کے اندر نہ کوئی فاتح  نہ مفتوح، صرف مراحل، جن سے گزرنا ضروری ہے۔  

ہم انسان اگر یہ نقطہ سمجھ لیں تو نہ طاقت و شان و شوکت کے لمحات میں فرعون بن بیٹھیں اور نہ مشکلیں ہمیں غلام اور ناشکرگذار بنا سکیں کیونک ثبات دونوں کو نہیں ہے گذر دونوں نے جانا ہے۔ 

یونہی سلسلہِ شب و روز و تغیرات زمانہ نے جاری و ساری رہنا ہےجب تک کہ وہ وقت نہ آ پہنچے جب “الیوم نختم علی افواھہم”  ہو گا۔ 

بہار و خزاں کم نگاہوں کے وہم

برے یا بھلے سب زمانے ترے


