Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Sunday, July 7, 2019

1:31 PM

بڑے لوگ بڑی باتیں ۔ ۔ ۔

سلام، نیک تمنائیں اور ڈھیر ساری دعائیں ۔ ۔ ۔

دوستو ماننے کے لئےجاننا بہت ضروری اور جاننے کے لئے سعیِ مخلصانہ لازم۔ اِسی لئے تو خدای نسخہِ کیمیا کی خشتِ اول، "اقرا باسمِ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔"۔

معرفتِ  خدا ، پہچان کے لئے، وجدان کے لئے اور احسان (وحیِ جبریل والا) کے لئے ملزوم۔ معرفت بجز استاد و رہنمای اور کاوشِ جمیلہ کے ناممکن۔ دوست بننے کے لئے وفا  اور ایفا ضروری اور اُن سے حصولِ فیض جو تمام امتحانات سے سرخرو ہو کر  ولائت کی خلعت سے سرفرازہوے ہوں۔ 

خوبصورت و خوب سیرت دوستوں سے نمازِ فجر کے ساتھ ہی خوبصورت پیغامات ملنا شروع ہوتے ہیں۔ایک  میسیج اس بلاگ کے آخر میں نقل کرونگا  لیکن پہلے حضرت احمد کبیر رفاعی رح کے ایمان افروز ملفوظات سے کچھ نصیحتیں جو انھیں ایک بزرگ سے ملیں:۔
اللہ تعالی کے غیر کی طرف ملتفت ہونے والا کبھی اللہ تعالی کی بارگاہ تک نہیں پہنچ سکتا اور شکی مزاج کبھی کامیاب نہیں ہو سکتا۔
جس شخص کو اپنے اندر کمی کا علم نہ ہو اُس کے سب اوقات نقص اور کمی کا شکار ہیں۔
طبیبوں کا بیمار ہونا، دانشمندوں کا جاہل ہونا اور دوستوں کے ساتھ بے مروت ہونا  بہت برا ہے۔
جو اللہ تعالی کی معرفت حاصل کر لیتا ہے وہ باادب ہو جاتا ہےاور خوفِ خدا اس کا ہم نشین۔ 
خوفِ خدا  ذاتی محاسبے کا احساس اجاگر کرتا ہے اور ذاتی محاسبہ مراقبہ کی طرف ملتفت کرتا ہے۔ 
مراقبہ ذکرِ الہی کا موجب بنتا ہے۔
اور اب آج کا میسیج:۔
اللہ  کی  دوستی  حاصل  کرنی  ھے  تو  اُس  کے  بندوں  پر  مہربان  ہونا  پڑے  گا
کیونکہ  عبادت  کرنے  سے  جنّت  ملتی  ھے  اور   خدمت  کرنے  سے  
خُدا  ملتا  ھے
اللہ کریم غور و فکر اور عمل کی توفیق ہم سب کو عطا فرماے۔ آمین بجاہِ رحمتہ العالمین، خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم۔



Saturday, July 6, 2019

1:27 PM


Salam and Best Wishes ...

Friends, many are the 'Pitches', varied are the 'Swings' and so is the 'Bounce'...Too much is 'Happening', so much is there to 'Talk About'...Puzzled Thoughts, Jumbled Impressions ... Only few in this post:-
  • Mercedez is Mercedez. I have always been very certain that no car could match my 1970s, how would be the latest bullet proof PM carrier? Really difficult to Give Off ... period ... But I know a gentleman who not only willingly parted with the Mercedez but also a latest model BMW given to him as a personal gift ... Exceptions, however, have never been a rule.
  • World Cup. Prayers and Others' do work but not always ... Overall  performance, however is not that bad; despite the initial hiccups, Team Pak has done well to be at par with the likes of Eng and NZ as far as the 'Won-Lost' column goes ... More-so keeping in view the facilities, structure, education, lack of exposure to international cricket at home and closure of doors on County and IPL etc. Indian Cricket is different, century old structure, abounding numbers, pennies and facilitates ... still Pak Teams over the years have been beating them but now the gap is too-big. CHANGE IN THINKING AND PRACTICES REQUIRED ...  
  • Political Scene It is said, "All human wisdom is summed up in two words; Wait and Hope" ... But the way things are shaping, it looks that HOPE to reach the green pastures again is Waning    so 'All Concerned' can't WAIT ... Hence non-stop WAILING .... People trapped in the self-created nets, psyche-out and  generally home on a single point agenda ... SURVIVAL ... losing sight of the realities and exploration of ways 'TO LIVE ON FOR ANOTHER TOMORROW' ... They ultimately go for the most destructive path ... THE SAMSON OPTION ... Which ensures their DEMISE, along with collapse of the TEMPLE. 
  • Denial. Always Dangerous and Detrimental ... Any level, State, Society or Individual. It is the preferred path marketed by the Devil and his Disciples... This path makes one Run, Run and Run ... Solutions are Forbidden. Keep denying problems, no inventive focussing, drop the shutter on the mind because if it is kept operational, it will generate ideas that can help one escape the circumstantial traps ... Denial constantly hammers the punchline SOLUTIONS ARE FORBIDDEN. Never look/ask/adopt an idea, from yourself or anywhere else ... Only a single good idea/action is needed to solve the problem, but in a state of DENIAL the SOLUTIONS ARE FORBIDDEN.  Bottom Line ... If Fears are not CONFRONTED, then CONSEQUENCES have to be ...

Food For Thought ... An old African Proverb:-
When the Roots of a Tree begin to Decay ... The Death spreads to the Branches ...



Tuesday, July 2, 2019

11:31 AM


Salam and best wishes ...

Friends, fast lanes are generally the most crowded, smooth sailing is just an expression and plans are intact till one puts them to practice . . . THAT IS LIFE.

Yesterday I received a call from a young man, who is a Lawyer, a Researcher, a Writer ... Owns a Website ... A Vibrant and Dynamic gentleman. He sounded pessimistic and depressed, his spot of bother was that he as a routine loses motivation and focus on the projects in hand ... Distractions could be varied, some Attraction, Infatuation, Temptation...Result, sudden lack of interest and then again a fresh start on some other venture.

We discussed in details the WHYs and deliberated upon the HOWs, finally agreeing that, 'Perseverance was the Key' ... and that the Penchant for PERSEVERANCE can be attained through:-
  • Knowledge. Both general and specific, of the subject and surroundings, needs and tools, teams and versatility, time and space, patience and stamina. Magic Wands and Short Cuts are illusions. Talk needs Walk. Knowledge, therefore, must be acquired, Knowledgeable must be respected and Faculties required for acquisition of Knowledge must be honed. 
  • Faith. Self, Staff and Skills ... Above all in someone Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Sustainer ... both by word of mouth and from the depth of both states, Conscious and Unconscious.
  • Matrix. Decision must flow from thorough debate, analysis, inferences and prudence. Objective must never be lost sight of ... Maintainability of Aim depends upon resolve, problem solving, bypassing/negotiation of hurdles, happy team, acceptance of occasional break-downs, allowance for the unforeseen, and  last but not the least ... relegation of 'Trumpy Instincts' in favour of sincerity of purpose.

Depression is a state which kills positivity, abhors flexibility, hates out-of-box thought, switches off all the faculties of problem solving and beams on a mesmerising dot ... It can be avoided and must be avoided.

