Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Astaghfirullah ...

Salam o Dua ...


Friends few days back one of my posts carried the caption, "واللہ خیر الماکرین" ... Which is THE TRUTH, ... 

تیرے در سے جو یار پھرتے ہیں
در بدر یونہی خوار پھرتے ہیں

Allah Karim Says in Quran : 

"Those who conceal the clear (Signs) We have sent down, and the Guidance, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, on them shall be Allah's curse, and the curse of those entitled to curse,

Except those who repent and make amends and openly declare (the Truth): To them I turn; for I am Oft-returning, Most Merciful."
AL-BAQARA (2) : 159 - 160.

I feel it is time to 'REPENT and  make amends', ... But the question is how?

Shiekh Hasan Al-Maghazli RA was asked the same question ... Thereupon he asked the seeker which Tauba he was looking for? 
TAUBA-E-ANABAT (To Return) or TAUBA-E-ISTAJABAT (Acceptance)?

The seeker requested him to explain both types.

Sheikh said:
'Tauba-e-Anabat' is that you FEAR Allah Karim because He SWT is Omnipotent and 'Tauba-e-Istajabat' is that you be ever mindful of HIS Omnipresence and REFRAIN from Disobedience and Sin.

Sheikh RA said if you ask me I will recommend you TAUBA-E-ISTAJABAT because therein lies the solution of all your problems.




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