Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Monday, July 17, 2017



The Muslim World is long overdue for a 'Renaissance' ... It has to dump THE GARBAGE of centuries miles below the surface for that to happen. Look at the present day Leadership... taking pride in touching the Knees of Masters and sitting on their feet, putting online everything to STAY IN ... WHILE NEVER IDENTIFYING WITH THEIR OWN PEOPLE ...

When shall we have Rulers like:-

'حکمرانی کے لئے ایسا شخص موزوں ترین ہے جو جب منصب پر فائز نہ ہو تو قوم کا سردار نظر آے اور جب حکمرانی کے لئے منتخب ہو جاے تو قوم کے عام آدمی کی طرح بن جاے'
[سیدنا عمرِ فاروق رض]

'The best person for ruling the Nation is one who looks a Leader when not in power .... and becomes an ordinary person when elected to RULE'.. (Syedna Omar RA)

Leaders of the Muslim world since centuries have been MSRs and BSZs, who only remember after reaching Rangoon that 'REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH WHEN THE SUN IS SHINING BRIGHTLY AND FEAR OF ALLAH WHEN IN RAGE IS MUST ... WHAT TO TALK OF A RULER, FOR EVEN BEING A HUMAN BEING' ... عیش میں یادِ خدا اور طیش میں خوفِ خدا ...

In their hay days, they conveniently forget that a day shall come definitely due to their own deeds, when THEIR SUN WILL HIDE BEHIND THE CLOUD COVER, WINDS SHALL BLOW, LIGHTENING WILL STRIKE .. and ... they will witness the oft-repeated phenomenon that:-

'The lofty Pines are more vulnerable to be shaken by the winds,

High Towers are akin to fall with a heavier crash, AND...

Lightening strikes the highest Mountains.'

ایماں نہیں مومن کا مکافاتِ عمل پر
امیدِ کرم کیا طمعِ خام نہیں ہے

Akhtar N Janjua

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