All praises for Allah Karim; Immeasurable Darood-o-Salam on Rasool-Ullah Salalaho Allaihe Wasalam [SAWS].
Prayers for all.
In the Name of Allah Karim Who provided us guidance through His Prophet SAWS, who delivered the Message:
And be not like those who say "we have heard", the while they do not hearken. Verily the vilest of all creatures in the sight of Allah are those deaf, those dumb ones who do not use their reason. For, if Allah had seen any good in them, He would certainly have made them hear; but [as it is] even if He had made them hear (THE MESSAGE), they would surely have turned away in their obstinacy. AL-ANFAL (8) : 21-23.I very humbly pray to Allah Karim that May He in His Infinite Mercy Make us amongst those who hear and act on His Message. Aameen.
AlhamdoLILAH ! ASHRA-E-MOHARRAM and YOM-E-ASHUR have generally been peaceful barring few unfortunate incidents here and there. All involved in maintaining and observing peace during these day ought to be commended. May Allah Karim adequately reward them.
Reverting back to traits of Momineen, few more are:
42. Their belief and hearts are strengthened when they hear the accounts relating to the earlier apostles. HUD (11) : 120.
43. They humble themselves in prayers.
44. They turn away from all that is frivolous.
45. They are [always] intent on inner purity.
46. They remain mindful of their chastity.
47. They do not give way their desires EXCEPT THEIR SPOUSES.
48. They remain faithful to their Trusts and Pledges.
49. They guard their prayers from all worldly intent.
They are the inheritors of Paradise.
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