Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

11:47 PM

Betrayal : Culture of Intrigue and Opportunism

Betrayal, a word heavy with connotations of deceit and treachery, finds fertile ground in the intricate tapestry of Pakistan's political landscape. So-called big people constantly grope for "small, deep human satisfaction of outmaneuvering others"—through intrigue and hidden agendas.

In our blessed country, the richness of culture and heritage intertwines with the harsh realities of governance, where betrayals, high handedness, corruption, nepotism 'On-Sale Tag' are not just occasional occurrences but rather an inherent part. From the highest echelons of power to the lowest corridors, the specter of betrayal looms large, perpetuating a culture of opportunism and self-interest.

The sanctity and pride of national symbols are frequently violated with impunity, as those entrusted with upholding the Constitution and the Honour of the Nation prioritize personal gain over everything else. In this paradigm, the Constitution, Laws, and Customs are often treated as mere obstacles to be circumvented rather than guiding principles to be upheld.

One needs only to scratch the surface of Pakistan's political history to uncover a litany of betrayals and backroom dealings. From political alliances forged in the pursuit of power to clandestine agreements brokered behind closed doors, the landscape is rife with examples of individuals placing their own interests above the greater good of the state and nation.

What drives this culture of betrayal? Is it merely a symptom of a dysfunctional political system, or does it run deeper, ingrained in the psyche of the populace? The answer likely lies in a combination of factors—historical legacies, societal norms, and the relentless pursuit of power and penny.

In a country where political survival often depends on one's ability to navigate a complex web of alliances and allegiances, betrayal has always been a means to an end—a tool wielded by those seeking to secure their own positions of influence. It is a manifestation of the age-old adage, "every man for himself," where loyalty is a fleeting commodity, easily discarded in the pursuit of selfish motives.

Yet, amidst the pervasive culture of betrayal, there exists a glimmer of hope—a resilient spirit that refuses to be extinguished. The awareness level in the populace is unprecedented. People want an end to 'Games of the Witches'. 

As we navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue and opportunism, it is imperative to recognize that betrayal, while pervasive, is not inevitable till the people demand (are demanding) for a political culture built on integrity, honesty, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of the nation, replacing the 'Small, Deep Human Satisfaction' of outmanoeuvring others by a collective sense of 'State before Self', upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

6:35 PM

قرانِ حکیم - حکیمُ المِلت اور درسِ حکمت !

آج علامہ اقبال رح کی چھیاسویں برسی ہے (مقدور ہو تو خاک سے پوچھوں ۔۔۔) 

اللہ کریم کی بے پایاں رحمتیں ان کا احاطہ کیے ہوے ہوں

زیارت و شفاعتِ رسولِ کریم ان کا مقدر ہو

جنت الفردوس کی نعمتوں کے اندر ان کے مرفد کا در ہو۔ آمین

پچھلے ہفتے لاہور جانا ہوا تو پنجاب یونیورسٹی کے ادارہِ علوم اسلامیہ میں جناب ڈاکٹر سعید احمد سعیدی صاحب کا دیدار ہوا اور بوقتِ رخصت دو خوبصورت کتب ملی۔انھی میں سے ایک،  “قران حکیم کے مفاہیم” سے آج کل مستفید ہو رہا ہوں۔ 

علامہ رح کو ارسالِ ثواب اور خراجِ عقیدت پیش کرنے کے لیے ڈاکٹر سعیدی صاحب کی عطا کردہ اسی کتاب کے مقدمہ میں درج علامہ رح سے منسوب ایک واقعہ مختصراٰ  پیش ہے۔ (ڈاکٹر سعیدی صاحب کے لیے دعائیں اور ہدیہِ تشکر)۔ 

علامہ اقبال رح نے فرمایا کہ روزانہ صبح والدِ بزرگوار جب مسجد سے آتے تو مجھے تلاوتِ قرانِ حکیم میں مشغول پاتے۔ ایک دن انھوں نے بڑا تعجب خیز سوال کر دیا کہ یہ تم کیا پڑھ رہے ہو اور کئی دن تواتر سے یہی سوال دہراتے رہے۔ میرے بتلانے پر کہ قرانِ مجید پڑھ رہا ہوں فرمانے لگے صرف پڑھ رہے ہو یا سمجھتے بھی ہو؟ 

پھر ایک دن خود ہی گویا ہوے کہ بیٹا تم قرانِ حکیم کو صرف اس وقت سمجھ پاو گے جب تمھیں یقین ہو کہ اللہ کریم بذریعہ قران مجید تم سے ہم کلام ہے۔ تب یہ کلامِ الہی تمھارے رگ و پے میں اُتر جاے گا۔ 

جب علامہ رح نے قرانِ مجید کی تلاوت ایسے کی جیسے ان کے والدِ گرامی نے سمجھایا تو پکار اُٹھے :

ترے ضمیر پہ جب تک نہ ہو نزولِ کتاب

گِرہ کُشا ہے نہ رازیُ نہ صاحبِ کشاف 

اللہ کریم ہم سب کو بھی یہ سمجھ و شعور عطا فرماے۔ ۔


علامہ رح کے درجات مزید بلند فرماے اور ملت کو ان کے افکار پر غور و فکر و عمل کی توفیق۔ 


اختر نواز جنجوعہ

2:20 PM

تعزیر ۔ تحقیر ۔ تدبیر اور تقدیر !

محفلِ یاراں سجی

خیالوں کے سیلِ رواں

موضوع سارا جہاں۔ 


ایران و لبنان

یمن و کنعان

سامی ہٹ دھرمی

سیامی نرمی

پاکستان و ہندوستان ۔۔۔ 

انتخابی دنگل

لاٹھی اور جنگل۔ 

دلائل کی بھرمار

وسوسے بے شمار

دشمن بد مست ہاتھی

نفاق زدہ، سہمے ڈرے ساتھی

تھا جو ناخوب بتدریج وہی خوب ہوا

جس نے حق کا ساتھ دیا، سچ بولا، وہی معتوب ہوا

بات نکلی، دشمن کو منائیں کیسے

اسے حقائق سمجھائیں کیسے

وہ جو ایک آتشِ نمرود جلاے بیٹھا ہے

وہ اکیلا جو کروڑوں کو ڈراے بیٹھا ہے

کوی بولا اسے تسلیم کر لو

اس کے دل میں اپنا گھر کر لو

شاید کہ اتر جاے اس کے دل میں “تیری بات”۔

کوی بولا کہ مان لو “ہم غلام ہیں”، 

صبر کر لو

کہ جب تک غلامانہ ذہنیت نہیں جاتی

تب تک استعانتِ ایزدی نہیں آتی

میں بھی بولا،

“کہ مردِ ناداں پہ کلامِ نرم و نازک بے اثر”

انفال (60) کی آیت کی تفسیر بننا ہو گا

حالات کو ایسے نہج پہ لانا ہو گا

کہ وہ اور اس کے رضاعی باپ

مجبور ہو جائیں

بات سننے کو

ہاتھوں سے بکھیرے ہوے کانٹے چننے کو ۔۔۔

یہ نہیں تو مرگِ مفاجات کو گلے کا طوق بنانا ہو گا

کیونکہ ۔۔۔

خدا نے آج تک اُس قوم کی حالت نہیں بدلی ۔۔۔۔

ا ن ج

2:12 PM

The Cockroaches, the Chickens, and the Fox: A Reflection on Pakistan's Governance

In the realm of politics, where power dynamics often resemble a complex chess game, there exists a Sierra Leonean proverb that resonates profoundly: "If the Cockroaches want to Rule the Chickens, they must hire the Fox as their Guard." This saying encapsulates the essence of the present governance dispensation in Pakistan, where the corridors of power are often murky and fraught with intrigue.

In the landscape of Pakistani politics, the proverb finds a striking parallel. Imagine a scenario where internationally recognized figures, tainted by corruption and immersed in a web of crime syndicates, rise to prominence. These individuals, despised and discarded by the people of Pakistan, only to be inexplicably elevated to the pedestal of power.

The juxtaposition of such characters—deemed corrupt to the bones—assuming positions of authority is not merely a coincidence but a reflection of the intricate machinations at play within the nation's political framework. It raises pertinent questions about the nature of governance, the role of power brokers, and the disillusionment of the masses.

How do individuals with tainted reputations manage to ascend to positions of authority despite public outcry and condemnation? The answer lies in the intricate dance of politics, where alliances are forged dictated by opportunism and greed. In the pursuit of power, morality often takes a backseat, and allegiances are based  on expediency rather than principle.

The metaphorical "Fox" in this narrative represents those power brokers and influencers who lurk in the shadows, manipulating the strings of power to serve their own interests. They are the enablers who facilitate the rise of individuals tainted by corruption, shielding them from accountability and perpetuating a cycle of impunity.

But amidst this bleak portrayal of governance, there remains a glimmer of hope—the resilience of the Pakistani people. Despite facing disillusionment and betrayal at the hands of their leaders, they continue to strive for accountability and transparency in governance. The voices of dissent grow louder, demanding justice and an end to the reign of corrupt elites.

As we reflect on the Sierra Leonean proverb and its relevance to Pakistan's political landscape, we are reminded of the importance of vigilance and civic engagement. The power to effect change lies not only in the hands of the ruling elite but also in the collective will of the people. It is through unity and unwavering determination that the people can reclaim their rightful place in the pecking order of governance.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

10:48 PM

Reimagining Pakistan: A Call for Systemic Change

Just read a very thought provoking FB post by brother Asif Alvi. The crux of his post goes, "My analysis suggests a very dangerous. Whom to blame as we don't know who is heading our nation. There is power hungry political elite that is hand in hand with bureaucracy.

Anybody who has some knowledge of political science and society may suggest some remedy. But, keep in mind that when in late mid sixties, it was written on the walls that East Pakistan is drifting away from federation, we celebrated OP SEARCHLIGHT."

(Laying no claim on 'knowledge of political science and society' ... my two pennies). 

The recent events highlighted in the post raise crucial questions about the state of our nation and the effectiveness of our political, diplomatic, and sociological systems. From political unrest to social injustices and international tensions, it is evident that Pakistan is facing significant challenges that require urgent attention and reform.

The concerns raised about the erosion of trust in our political and sociological systems are valid and demand serious consideration. The incidents mentioned, including the letter by judges of IHC, the Bahawalnagar incident, and the police misconduct, across the country underscore the deep-rooted issues plaguing our society. Moreover, the growing dissatisfaction with election results and the hostile international borders further exacerbate the sense of instability and uncertainty.

In such tumultuous times, it is imperative that we critically evaluate our existing systems and explore avenues for meaningful change. The current power dynamics, characterized by a power-hungry political elite and a complacent bureaucracy, have contributed to the erosion of governance and accountability.

To address these challenges, we must first acknowledge the need for systemic reform. This requires a comprehensive approach that addresses political, social, and economic issues holistically. We need leaders who prioritize the interests of the people over personal gain and who are committed to fostering transparency, justice, and equality.

Furthermore, we must empower civil society, media, and other democratic institutions to hold those in power accountable and ensure that the voices of the people are heard. Transparency and accountability must be at the forefront of our efforts to rebuild trust in our institutions and restore faith in our democracy.

While the road ahead may be challenging, we must remain hopeful and resilient. History has shown that nations can overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges through unity, determination, and collective action. As Pakistanis, we have a shared responsibility to work towards a brighter future for our nation and future generations.

In conclusion, the current state of affairs in Pakistan calls for a reimagining of our political, diplomatic, and sociological systems. It is time for bold and transformative change that prioritizes the well-being and prosperity of all citizens. 

Let us come together to build a Pakistan that is just, prosperous, and inclusive for all.


Saturday, April 13, 2024

11:12 PM

Unsullied Poverty and Impure Wealth ..

In the midst of widespread corruption and greed, a timeless Chinese proverb offers a poignant reminder of the true value of wealth and prosperity. The proverb states, "Unsullied Poverty is Always Happy, while Impure Wealth Brings with it Many Sorrows." This age-old wisdom serves as a powerful commentary on the moral implications of how wealth is obtained and the consequences it carries.

At its core, the proverb underscores the stark contrast between wealth acquired through honest means and that obtained through deceit, violence, corruption or exploitation. "Impure Wealth," tainted by corruption and immorality, may bring prosperity, (it does) but it also carries a heavy burden of sorrows and regrets and ever-haunting fear. This type of wealth is built on a foundation of injustice and wrongdoing, leading to a myriad of ethical, social, and psychological consequences and invariably contributes to the erosion of societal values and norms.

In contrast, “Unsullied Poverty" refers to a state of humble living free from the stain of corruption or ill-gotten gains. While lacking material abundance, those who live in unsullied poverty often find contentment and happiness in the simplicity of their lives. Their wealth may be modest, but it is earned through honest labour and ethical practices, bringing with it a sense of fulfillment and blessings.

The proverb's message is clear: true wealth is not measured by the size of one's bank account but by the integrity of one's character and the righteousness of one's actions. Wealth obtained honestly, no matter how modest, is imbued with blessings and brings a sense of peace and contentment.

As Pakistan grapples with rampant corruption and greed among its elite, it is crucial to heed the wisdom of this proverb. Let us strive to pursue wealth with integrity and moral uprightness, knowing that true happiness and contentment are found not in material possessions but in the purity of our hearts and the righteousness of our actions. Only by embracing the principles of honesty, justice, and ethical conduct can we hope to build a society where all can thrive and prosper.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

8:22 PM

کرنی تو بھرنی پڑے گی ۔۔۔


طنز کرنے کی نہیں ہے ۔۔۔

خوش ہونے کی نہیں ہے ۔۔۔

طغرے لہرانے کی نہیں ہے ۔۔۔

اترانے کی نہیں ہے ۔۔۔

بات :

پچھتانے کی ہے ۔۔۔

شرمانے کی ہے ۔۔۔

گریبان میں جھانکنے کی ہے ۔۔۔

چاک گریبان ٹانکنے کی ہے ۔۔۔

لمحہ فکریہ ہے :

غلطیاں کب سے اور کہاں کہاں ہوئیں ؟

کیوں غلطیوں کا ادراک اور تدارک نہیں ہوا ؟

تصحیح کرنے کے لیے اب کیا اقدام کرنے ہیں ؟

رِستے، سرطان بنتے گھاو کیسے بھرنے ہیں؟

ملک و ملت کیسے سرخرُو کرنے ہیں ؟

یاد رکھنے کی بات :

قانون فطرت ہے کہ “کرنی بھرنی پڑتی ہے”-

اگر یہاں بچنا مشکل ہے تو وہاں تو ۔۔۔

لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَیْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ

یقیننا ہے۔ 

اللہ کریم سوچنے کی صلاحیت دی ہے تو اس کے مثبت استعمال کی توفیق   بھی عطا فرما دے ۔۔۔

اللہ کریم جیسے تُو چاہتا ہے ہمیں ایسا بنا دے ۔۔۔

آمین ۔۔۔

ا ن ج