Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Friday, August 10, 2018


Salam o Dua ...

Friends, Life is an unending School where first lesson was delivered in the Invisible World on یومِ الست and probably the bell may sound, after the result is announced on the Day of Resurrection at میدانِ حشر ... 

Learning process is sustained and so is the requirement of being in the company of learned men  ... In a meeting today, one came across a learned man of many dimensions ... call him Shah Sahib ... After a round of discussion, he summarised the emerging lesson in two words, 'KNOW THYSELF' ... The Flashback took us way back to the forecourt  of the Temple of Roman and Greed god of knowledge, truth, healing and many more attributes ... APPOLO. 

Shah Sahib said the attribute 'KNOW THYSELF' can turn the ordinary man into a Sage ... 

شاید اسی لئے حضرتِ علامہ رح پکار اٹھے تھے:۔

اپنے من میں ڈوب کر پا جا سراغِ زندگی
تُو اگر میرا نہیں بنتا، نہ بن، اپنا تو بن

There are intertwined paths to 'BE THERE', as described by the men of wisdom:-
Devotion to - and Love of ... God.
Persistent attainment of Knowledge.
Reflection, تقوی and ذہد (Respect of God and Control of Mind/Heart).
صداقت and امانت - TRUTH, TRUST and Diligence in Life, Work and Duty.
Successful is the man (here and hereafter) who can discern between THE ETERNAL  the THE TRANSIENT ... 

Who can distinguish the REAL FROM THE UNREAL. 

Blessed is the man who knows HIS SELF, who know the value of True Love, Loves GOD and everything of GOD ... 

Works selflessly for the welfare of others.

Holy becomes the man who combines THE LOVE OF GOD AND HIS UNIVERSE, KNOWLEDGE, HUMILITY, SELFLESSNESS, PIETY, PURPOSE and GRATITUDE (عشق، علم، حلم،نفیِ نفس،تقوی،مقصود اور شکرانہ) ...

Such beings exude, LIGHT, PURITY AND CALMNESS ... 

کسی بزرگ کے بوسے کی اِک نشانی ہے
ہمارے ماتھے پہ تھوڑی سی روشنی ہے نا

 اپنے آپ کو جاننا والا ہی بصارت اور بصیرت کا متحمل ہو سکتا ہے۔



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