Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Time Keeps Rolling ...

Thank you all for your thoughtful birthday greetings and wishes; you made my day special.

Reflecting on the past years, I see Allah Karim's Blessings everywhere: a wonderful life, great opportunities, a supportive family, sincere friends, wise elders, and loving young ones.

Yet, there's a sense of emptiness as time slips away:

  • Doubling my days is impossible,
  • Halving them is unlikely,
  • A few more years - just a possibility.

As Allah SWT says in the Quran, "And he to whom We grant long life We reverse in creation; so will they not understand?" (Yasin 36:68), my body and mind too are showing signs of decay.

Regardless of physical growth, I've made no spiritual progress, still stuck in the first stage 'Nafs-e-Ammara', shared with animals, focused on basic needs. Moving towards higher spiritual stages, — Nafs-e-Lawwama, Nafs-e-Mutma'ina, Nafs-e-Razia, and Nafs-e-Marziya — feels distant.

However, it's never too late to start striving for spiritual growth. May Allah Karim grant me the strength and guidance to begin this journey.

Once more, Gracias, Best Regards and Dheron Duaien.

Akhtar N Janjua

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