Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.
He might have (has) made wrong decisions, avoidable choices ...
He has made many U Turns ...
Most of the times in the last year, he looked lost, spent and clueless ...
His team anything but ...
BUT ...
Sins are to be atoned
Brain and eyes have to remain attentive to perceive and infer
Inferences must lead to positive action
No place for opportunist ... Seek sincere advice from genuine people only
ویلیوں گھتی ڈومنی گاے ساری رات
ویلے دیاں نمازاں، کویلے دیاں ٹکراں
کبائر کی سزا ملتی ہے
مشاہدہ کے لئے دماغ اور آنکھیں کھلی رہنی چاہہیں
ادراک ہو جاے تو عمل ضروری
اچھے مشیر ناگزیر اور موقع پرست دوستوں سے بچنا لازم
رہے نام اللہ کریم کا
So fight, in the cause of Allah; you are not held responsible except for yourself. And encourage the believers {to join} that perhaps Allah will restrain the [military] might of those who disbelieve. And Allah is Greater in Might and Stronger in (exemplary) punishment. AL-NISA-84
جذبوں پر پڑی اوس کو صاف کر ڈالو۔جنوں پر ہوس نے جو جالے بُن دیئے ہیں انھیں اتار دویقین اگر اپنوں اور غیروں کی ریشہ دوانیوں سے متزلزل ہوا ہے تو ہر قسم کے شک کو جھٹک کر پھر سے یقینِ محکم کو اپنانا ہے۔
کشمیر آج لہولہان ہےاکہتر کا قرض اضافی ہےیہ قرض چکانےہیں۔
1. The people by your side will only continue to grow smaller in number. People in your parents’ and grandparents’ generation have largely all left, whilst many your peers will increasingly find it harder to look after themselves, and the younger generations will all be busy with their own lives. Even your wife or husband may depart earlier than you, or than you would expect, and what might then come are days of emptiness. You will have to learn how to live alone, and to enjoy and embrace solitude.
2. Society will care less and less for you. No matter how glorious your previous career was or how famous you were, ageing will always transform you into a regular old man and old lady. The spotlight no longer shines on you, and you have to learn to contend with standing quietly in one corner, to admire and appreciate the hubbub and views that come after you, and you must overcome the urge to be envious or grumble.
3. The road ahead will be rocky and full of precarity. Fractures, cardio-vascular blockages, brain atrophy, cancer… these are all possible guests that could pay you a visit any time, and you would not be able to turn them away. You will have to live with illness and ailments, to view them as friends, even; do not fantasise about stable, quiet days without any trouble in your body. Maintaining a positive mentality and get appropriate, adequate exercise is your duty, and you have to encourage yourself to keep at it consistently.
4. Prepare for bed-bound life, a return to the infant state. Our mothers brought us into this world on a bed, and after a journey of twists and turns and a life of struggle, we return to our starting point – the bed – and to the state of having to be looked after by others. The only difference being, where we once had our mothers to care for us, when we prepare to leave, we may not have our kin to look after us. Even if we have kin, their care may never come close to that of your mother’s; you will, more likely than not, be cared for by nursing staff who bear zero relation to you, wearing smiles on their faces all whilst carrying weariness and boredom in their hearts. Lay still and don’t be difficult; remember to be grateful.
5. There will be many swindlers and scammers along the way. Many of them know that the elderly have lots of savings, and will endlessly be thinking of ways to cheat them of their money: through scam phone calls, text messages, mail, food and product samples, get-rich-quick schemes, products for longevity or enlightenment… basically, all they want is to get all the money. Beware, and be careful, hold your money close to you. A fool and his money are soon parted, so spend your pennies wisely.
Hardly the day started and ... it is already six o'clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is almost over.... and the year is almost up.... and already 50 or 60 or 70 years of our lives have passed.... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.and we realize that it is too late to go back ...
So ... Let's try to take full advantage of the time we have left ...Let's not stop looking for activities that we like ...Let's put color in our greyness ...Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains. Let's try to eliminate the "after" ...I do it after ...I will say after ...I will think about it after ...We leave everything for 'later' as if "after" was ours.
after, the coffee cools ...after, priorities change ...after, the charm is broken ...after, health passes ...after, the children grow up ...after, the parents get older ...after, the promises are forgotten ...after, the day becomes the night ...after, life ends ...And all that afters, we find it's often too late ....
So ... leave nothing for 'later' ...Because in always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,the best experiences,the best friends,the best family ...The day is today ... The moment is now ...