Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

5:54 PM


Salam and Duaien . . . 

'THE PROCESS of ACCOUNTABILITY' in our beloved Pakistan has been the 'Here Today Gone Tomorrow' Phenomenon . . .  

Starts with 'THE PURPOSE' and Dies Abruptly . . . 

Join me in praying that it is DIFFERENT this time around, because if it dies an unnatural death again . . . It may be Years before something like it surfaces again . . . 

To have Lasting Effects, it must be:-
ACROSS THE BOARD - No Scapegoats and No Sacred Cows 
Done honestly and purposefully it can put Pakistan on the Avenue of  Prosperity and Greatness which should have happened much earlier if the Road-Map was chalked out deliberately and traversed earnestly. 

I read somewhere that:-
Time Advances 
Facts Accumulate
Doubts Arise. 
Faint Glimpses of Truth Begin to Appear and Shine more and more unto the perfect day. The Highest Intellects, like the Tops of the Mountains, are the First to Catch and to Reflect the Dawn. 
Tops are Bright, while the Level Below is still in Darkness. 
But soon the Light, which at First Illuminated only the Loftiest Eminences, Descends on the Plain and Penetrates to the Deepest Valley. 
First, Come Hints, then Fragments of Systems, then Defective Systems, then Complete and Harmonious Systems.  
The Sound Opinion, held for a time by one Bold Speculator, becomes the Opinion of a Small Minority, then of a Strong Minority, and finally of a Majority of People. 

May the Light of the Truth Catch on with the Highest and the Lowest. SINCERITY OF PURPOSE, PERSISTENCE AND PERSEVERANCE CAN DO . . . 



Tuesday, February 20, 2018

1:06 PM

جُرمِ ضعیفی ۔ ۔ ۔

حسنِ کرشمہ ساز ۔

اگنی کی طرح پوتر ۔ ۔   
یہاں کے امیر اور وہاں کے امیر ۔ ۔ ۔
بتوں کے معمار اور زر کے پجاری ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
عدل وانصاف کے فراری ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
 بیوپاری ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ 
(مظہر برلاس کا آج کا کالم بھی واہ واہ)

شمع پر خون کا الزام ہو ثابت کیوں کر
پھونک دی لاش بھی کمبخت نے پروانے  کی

کیا بات جلیل مانک پوری  صاحب کی لیکن طاہر تونسوی صاحب  بھی سچ کہہ رہے ہیں :-

تو طے ہوا نا کہ جب بھی لکھنا رُتوں کے سارے عذاب لکھنا ۔
اجاڑ موسم میں تپتے صحرا کو، آب لکھنا، حباب لکھنا ۔

مجھے یقیں ہے نصیب میرا نہ ساتھ دے گا، کہ تجربہ ہے ۔
سکون کو اضطراب کہنا، حقیقتوں کو سراب لکھنا ۔

اذیتوں کے سفر میں میں نے بھرم رکھا پھر بھی حوصلوں کا ۔
منافقت کے جہاں میں مجھ کو صداقتوں کا نصاب لکھنا ۔

یہ دور اہل قلم پہ بھاری کہ مصلحت کی سبیل جاری ۔
گناہ کو بھی ثواب کہنا، ببول کو بھی گلاب لکھنا ۔


12:06 AM

حالات - واقعات ۔ خرابات و خرافات

سلام اور دعایئں

پاکستان اپنوں کی کارستانیوں، غیروں کی ریشہ دوانیوں اور ‘عاقلوں’ کی مہربانیوں سے جس بے 
یقینی کی کیفیت اور امڈتےاندیشوں سے دو چار نظر آ رہا ہے ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ اُس پر ضرورت تو تھی کہ ڈفلیاں رکھ کر سر اور دل جوڑے جائیں، کوہتاہیوں کا اقرار بھی کیا جاے اور تصحیح پر اصرار بھی کیا جاے۔

لیکن ۔ ۔ ۔

برا ہو خود غرضانہ رویوں اور احمقانہ سوچ کا کہ تقریریں اور تحریریں ‘اندر’ ہوں یا ‘باہر’ یہ بتا رہی ہیں کہ:

گلیاں ہو جان سنجیاں وچ مرزا یار پھرے ۔۔۔

اور اطہر شاہ خان کے مصداق ۔ ۔ ۔

میں نادہندہ ہوں بنک تک جانتے ہیں جیدی
تمہارا قرضہ بھی کھا رہا ہوں تو میری مرضی

اور بابا بوٹا مرحوم ایک ماہیا گاتا تھا جو کہ بقول مشتاق یوسفی صاحب کے ‘آدھا اخلاق سے گرا 
ہوا تھا اور آدھا وزن سے’، لیکن آج کے حالات کا صحیح ترجمان

کوی کوٹھے تے اُٹھ بیٹھے
جس گھر وڑئیے سارے ٹبرے آں دھا پوئیے۔ ۔ ۔

اب کوٹھے پر اونٹ کیسے بیٹھ سکتا ہے ۔۔۔ بالکل ایسے ہی جیسے یہاں ‘کوٹھوں پر بیٹھے ہوے ہیں’


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

12:19 PM


Salam and Dheron Duaien !

Political Rumbling ... Bye Elections ... Senate Elections ... General Elections ... Trading ... Courts ... Courtiers ... Verdicts ... Vespids ... Attacks ... Counter Attacks ... Institutions ... Insults ... 

The SELF-GAME tops the chart  ... Perception of threats Pakistan faces - NO OBJECT ... But the threats are real, the environments are inviting, the enemies are eager ... 

We ought to put our act together as quickly as possible ... 

Put our act together, we must ... 

But for the time, enjoy the following tale ...  :

A Master and his Servant were on their way home on horseback late at night after having a good drink. 
At a ford where the bank was steep, the Master fell head first into the creek. He scrambled up, and shouted to his servant: 
"Hold on, Mon! Something fell off--I heard it splash!" 
Servant climbed down from the saddle and waded about blindly in the shallow water, with groping hands. At last, he seized on the Master.
"Why it's yourself, mon, as fell oof!"
"No, No," the master declared stoutly. "It can't be me--here I am."
Then he, added: "But if it is me, get me back on the horse."
Servant helped the Master to the horse and boosted him up astride. In the dark, the rider was faced the wrong way to. 
"Gie me the reins," the Master ordered.
Servant felt about the horse's rump, and, then cried out, clutching the tail:
"It waur the horse's head as fell off--nothin' left but the mane!"
"Gie me the mane, then," the Master directed stolidly. "I must hae something to hold on."
So, when he had the tail firmly grasped in both hands, and Servant had mounted, the procession began to move. Whereat, the Master shouted in dismay:
"Haud on, Mon! It's gaein' the wrang way!"



Monday, February 12, 2018

9:32 AM

IF ONLY - - -

Salam & Duaien

A busy Sunday at Lahore ... Attended a lengthy meeting ... 

Special thanks to General Zahir Ul Islam who drove in from Islamabad and highly revered Dr. Sahibzada Nur ul Haq Al-Qadri, who came all the way from Landi Kotal sparing time out of his hectic religio-political commitments. 

During the conference, news of a death poured in and at night attended a marriage together at Country Club. 

For the young couple in their new phase of life, path leading to happiness, fulfillment and peace shall have to be carved out and traversed with mutual love, respect and loyalty ... DHERON DUAIEN. 

As regards DEATH ... The only undebatable truth ... (Death always waits. The door of the hearse is never closed). 

If only we remember that time at our disposal is meagre ... too less ... There shouldn’t be any space for negativity, hate, prejudice and perversion ... world would be a better place to live ... 



Friday, February 2, 2018

6:28 PM


Salam and Dua ...

William Shakespeare had said:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances ...
The Good, The God-Fear, The Will, The Wish-list, The Circumstances, The Choreographers, The Haste, The Heist (desire to), The Lust, The Label, The Masters, The Monsters, The Fear ... and ...The Fare ... and ... many more props make us play. 

Sometimes Everything is REAL, The Urge, The Motive and The Mission, others times the Mirage  Opportunity, 'Stone-Age' Coercion or the Deceptive Vacuum sucks us in ... Once on ... Then One Must Hang On ...

Few Do, Few Do not ... Some GO-ON Undeterred ... Some throw in the towel due to Unreasonable Expectations, Nose-diving Stamina, Inadequate Preparation, and Capricious Motivation.

Story-Line never changes, Stage is perpetual, Success and Failure Constants, Reward and Award Built In and Jubilations/Frustrations eternal ... 

Most of the players, however, tend to overlook that:
Other side of the fence shall create obstacles in your way ... Deceive you through their acts ... Shall always be looking for gaps in your canvas and SLIGHT YOU AT THE SLIGHTEST OPPORTUNITY ... That 'They don't care about you' IS TINY, actually THEY WANT TO KNOCK YOU OUT.
Be Deliberate ... Appreciate properly ... Weigh in the the Pros and Cons ... Value your time ... Do not waste it in trying to PROVE. NOTHING NEEDS TO BE PROVEN ...

When you have willingly opted to be on the Stage ... THEN ENDURE ... You are not a Bubble ... YOU ARE A BOULDER ... Dents are bound to happen but Determination matters  ...

Despite the hurdles THE SHOW MUST GO ON ... 


زوال بندہِ مومن کا بے زری سے نہیں

 Akhtar N Janjua
