9:15 PM
MOVE OVER 2016 - WELCOME 2017 !
{All that is on earth will perish: But will abide (for ever) the Face of Allah Karim - full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor.}
AL-RAHMAN (55) : 26-27
2016 is breathing its last; its arrival was greeted with hope and good wishes. It could have been the year in which World might have found peace, liberty, justice, love and laughter. Long lingering issues could have found solution.
Pakistan and World should have seen the last of the terrorism.
Muslim world could have forged unity.
Ethnicity and sectarianism could have given way to brotherhood.
Respect for all should have become THE WAY TO GO.
The list of what might have been achieved is very long but alas.... Instead the world got PANAMIZED, POLARIZED, BRUTALIZED and ....... (Sarah Palin called it 'end of a mistake' which speaks volumes).
Might is still right, Alleppo dies, Kashmir cries and defies, Yemen burns, Rohingias yearn, Palestine weeps as Cruelty creeps.
Weak and poor are still languishing.
Respect of human life and honor remain astronomical miles away, coercion sees no end.
.... and CORRUPTION .... ...... lesser said ......... Bustards run for dear life.
2016 just few hours short of getting into Archives. My prayers for 2017;
May it be the harbinger of CHANGE for all THAT IS GOOD. May it be filled with love, justice, passion and laughter for all. May we do everything what we should have done in 2016 to make this world A LOVABLE PLACE IT MUST BE.
May we evolve both physically and spiritually.
May we progress individually and collectively.
HAPPY 2017...