Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Monday, September 10, 2012


Prayers for all. May we become Muslims as Allah Wants us to be. Aameen.
Allah Says in Quran "And Hold fast, all together, unto the bond with Allah, and do not draw apart from one another...... "AL-IMRAN (3) : 103.
Islamic history tells us that there were no Sects in the early days of Islam (better part of the first two centuries). There were differences of opinion alright; in fact three battles were fought but still there were no Sects. Battle of Jaml was battle of opinion {IJTIHAD}, battle of Siffin was ON POWER and Nehrwan on REBELLION.

Study of Quran reveals only two types of human beings; those who are on the straight path [SIRAT-E-MUSTAQIM] and those who have gone astray. Allah Says that Quran is guidance - but only for those who are Allah-Conscious {MUTAQEEN} meaning thereby that Mutaqeen are the people on Sirat-e-Mustaqim. Sura AL-BAQRA (2) starts with the declaration that there is no doubt in the Book which is guidance for the Mutaqeen, and who are they? Their traits are found throughout THE BOOK which we shall go through InshAllah in this series; and see that there is no sectarian stamp on any one of those. So lets start and see who are Mutaqeen?
1.     Who believe in [the existence of] that which is beyond the reach of human perception.
2.        Those who are constant in prayer.
3.        Those who spend out of what Allah has provided for them as sustenance.
4.     Those who believe in that which has been bestowed from on high upon the Prophet Mohammad Salalaho Allaiehe Wasalam and on the Prophets preceding him.
5.        Those who in their innermost are certain of the life hereafter.
All those who believe/do what is appended above are the guided ones and shall attain to a happy state as promised by Allah, so why kill each other? just be Mutaqi and be amongst those who will be in a happy state (Muflehoon).

May Allah make/raise us amongst the Mutaqeen. Aameen
TO BE CONTINUED..................... 

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