Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Monday, July 30, 2012

2:49 PM

اے گناہگارو مایوس نہ ھو !۔

دل کی گہرایوں سے دعائیں سب کے لئے ۔ الئہ کریم ہمیں صحیح سوچنے اور سمجھنے کی توفیق عطا فرماے ۔ آمین

اے گناہگارو مایوس نہ ھو !۔,  - While going through today's Jang Groups Newspapers I saw this being advertised as the topic for a Ramadan Programme, being telecast by GEO Television daily. I was instantly reminded of Allah's Mercy as He declares:-
SAY: {THUS SPEAKS ALLAH}, "O YOU servants of Mine who have transgressed against your own selves ! Despair not of Allah's Mercy: behold, Allah forgives all sins - for verily, He alone is Much-Forgiving, a Dispenser of Grace"}. AZ-ZUMAR (39) : 53.
And what a better time to invoke the Mercy of Allah Karim; the Holy month of Ramadan. The avowed enemy i.e. Satan and his creed are chained and we are free to meditate, contemplate and take stock of the years gone-by. To err is human, to accept fumbles is being a better human and to repent is being the true servant of Allah. Lets all seek forgiveness for all our wrong deeds and resolve that we shall lead the remaining part of our lives as ordained by Allah and demonstrated by His Prophet Salalaho Allaihe Wasalam. 

To be on the right path or a deliberately chosen evil way is discretionary privilege of human kind with an inbuilt system of reward and award. Allah Says in Quran:-
Whoever chooses to follow the right path, follows it but for his own good; and whoever  goes astray, goes but astray to his own hurt; and no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another's burden. AL-ISRA (17) : 15.


تقدیر کے پابند نباتات و جمادات
مومن فقط احکامِ  اِلٰہی کا ھے پابند


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

12:40 PM

پیغام رحمت و انقلاب۔ ۔ ۔ - - - 4

اَلہّہ سب کی خیر 

Final part is before us, we can see, irrespective of the religious affinity, the universality of the message and the truth therein.

51.  Do not be jealous of those who are blessed [4/54]. {Do they, perchance, envy other people for what Allah has granted them out of His bounty? But then, We did grant revelation and wisdom unto the House of Ibrahim, and We did bestow on them a mighty dominion}.

52.  In your collective life, make rooms for others [58/11]. {O YOU who have attained to faith ! When you are told, "Make room for one another in your collective life", do make room: [and in return] Allah will make room for you [in His grace]- - - - - -}.
53.  When invited to dine, Go at the appointed time.  Do not arrive too early to wait for the preparation of meal or linger after eating to engage in bootless babble.  Such things may cause inconvenience to the host [33/53]. {O YOU who have attained to faith ! Do not enter the Prophet's dwellings unless you are given leave; [and when invited] to a meal, do not come [so early as] to wait for it to be readied: but whenever you are invited, enter [at the proper time]; and when you have partaken of the meal, disperse without lingering for the sake of mere talk; - - - - - - -}.
54.  Eat and drink [what is lawful] in moderation [7/31]. {O CHILDREN OF ADAM ! Beautify yourselves for every act of worship, and eat and drink [freely], but do not waste: verily, He does not love the wasteful}.
55.  Do not squander your wealth senselessly [17/26]. {And give his due to the near of kin, as well as to the needy and the wayfarer, but do not squander [your substance] senselessly. Behold, the squanderers are, indeed, of the ilk of the satans - inasmuch as Satan has indeed proved most ungrateful to his Sustainer}.
56.  Fulfill your promises and commitments [17/34]. {And do not touch the substance of an orphan, save to improve it, before he comes of age, And be true to every promise - for, verily, [on Judgement Day] you will be called to account for every promise which you have made}.
57.  Keep yourself clean, pure [9/108, 4/43, 5/6]. {Never set foot in such a place ! Only a house of worship founded, from the very first day, therein - [a house of worship] wherein there are men desirous of growing in purity: for Allah loves all purify themselves. 9 : 108}. 

{O YOU who have attained to faith ! Do not attempt to pray while you are in a state of drunkenness- - - - - - - 4 : 43}. 

{O YOU who have attained to faith ! When you are about to pray, wash your face, and your hands and arms up to - -- - - 5 : 6}.
58.  Dress-up in agreeable attire and adorn yourself with exquisite character from inside out [7/26]. {O CHILDREN OF ADAM ! Indeed We have bestowed upon you from on high [the knowledge of making] garments to cover your nakedness, and as a thing of beauty: but the garment of Allah-consciousness is the best of all. Herein lies a message from Allah, so that man might take it to heart}.
59.  Seek your provision only by fair Endeavor [29/17, 2/188]. {- - -then all your sustenance from Allah, and worship Him [alone] and be grateful to Him: [for] unto Him you shall be brought back 29 : 17}. 

{AND DEVOUR NOT one another's possessions wrongfully, and neither employ legal artifices with a view to devouring sinfully, and knowingly, anything that by right belongs to others; 2 : 188}.
60.  Do not devour the wealth and property of others unjustly, nor bribe the officials or the judges to deprive others of their possessions [2/188]. {{AND DEVOUR NOT one another's possessions wrongfully, and neither employ legal artifices with a view to devouring sinfully, and knowingly, anything that by right belongs to others}. 

مولا عمل کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرما دے ! آمین

Monday, July 23, 2012

12:49 PM

پیغام رحمت و انقلاب۔ ۔ ۔ - - - 3

رمضان مبارک 
 الہہ کریم اِس مقدس ماہ کی تمام رحمتیں اور فیوضیات سمیٹنے کی توفیق عطا فرماے ! آمین
Third Part is appended below : May We all find time to read and reflect.
36.  Take care of -The needy,-The disabled- Those whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their needs- And those whose businesses have stalled – And those who have lost  their jobs.  [4/36]. {AND WORSHIP ALLAH (alone), and do not ascribe divinity, in any way, to aught beside Him. And do good unto your parent, and near of kin, and unto orphans, and the needy, and the neighbor from your own people, and the neighbor who is stranger, and the friends by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom you rightfully possess. Verily, Allah does not love any of those who, full of self-conceit, act in a boastful manner. 
37.  Treat kindly -Your related neighbors, and unrelated neighbors-Companions by your side in public gatherings, or public transportation.  [4/36]. {See 36 above}. 
38.  Be generous to the needy wayfarer,  the homeless son of the street, and the one who reaches you in a destitute condition [4/36]. {See 36 above}.
39.  Be nice to people who work under your care.  [4/36]{See 36 above}.
40.  Do not follow up what you have given to others to afflict them with reminders of your generosity [2/262]. {They who spend their possessions for the sake of Allah and do not thereafter mar their spending by stressing their own benevolence and hurting [the feelings of the needy] shall have their reward with their Sustainer, and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve}.
41.  Do not expect a return for your good behavior, not even thanks [76/9]. {- - - [saying in their hearts] "we feed you for the sake of Allah alone: we desire no recompense from you, nor thanks:"}.
42.  Cooperate with one another in good deeds and do not cooperate with others in evil and bad matters [5/2].  {- - - - but rather help one another in furthering virtue and Allah-consciousness, and do not help one another in furthering evil and enmity; and remain conscious of Allah: for, behold, Allah is severe in retribution ! }.
43.  Do not try to impress people on account of self-proclaimed virtues [53/32]. {As for those who  avoid the [truly] grave sins and shameful deeds - even though they may sometimes stumble - behold, your Sustainer is abounding in forgiveness. He is fully aware of you when He brings you into being out of dust, and when you are still hidden in your mothers' wombs: do not, then, consider yourselves pure - [for] He knows best as to who is conscious of Him}. 
44.  You should enjoin right conduct on others but mend your own ways first.  Actions speak louder than words.  You must first practice good deeds yourself, then preach [2/44]. {Do you bid other people to be pious, the while you forget your own selves - and you recite the divine writ? Will you not, then, use your reason?}.
45.  Correct yourself and your families first [before trying to correct others] [66/6]. {O YOU who have attained to faith ! Ward off from yourselves and those who are close to you that fire [of the hereafter] whose fuel is human beings and stones: [lording] over it are angelic powers awesome [and] severe, who do not disobey Allah in whatever He has commanded them, but [always] do what they are bidden to do}.
46.  Pardon gracefully if anyone among you who commits a bad deed out of ignorance, and then repents and amends [6/54, 3/134]. {Who spend [in His way] in time of plenty and in time of hardship, and hold in check their anger, and pardon their fellow-men because Allah loves the doers of good:}.
47.  Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy, and become a source of tranquility and comfort to people [3/134]. {See 46 above}.
48.  Call people to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful exhortation.  Reason with them most decently [16/125]. {CALL YOU [all mankind] unto your Sustainer's path with wisdom and goodly exhortation and argue with them in the most kindly manner: for, behold, your Sustainer knows best as to who strays from his path, and best knows He as to who are the right-guided}.
49.  Leave to themselves those who do not give any importance to the Divine code and have adopted and consider it as mere play and amusement [6/70]. {And leave to themselves all those who, beguiled bu the life of this world, have made play and passing delights their religion; but remind [them] herewith that [in the life to come] every human being shall be held in pledge for whatever wrong he has done, and shall have none to protect him from Allah, and none to intercede for him; and though he offer any conceivable ransom,it shall not be accepted from him. It is [people such as] these that shall be held in pledge for the wrong they have done; for them there is [in the life to come] a draught of burning despair, and grievous suffering awaits them because of their persistent refusal to acknowledge the truth}.
50.  Sit not in the company of those who ridicule Divine Law unless they engage in some other conversation [4/140]. {And indeed, He has enjoined upon you in this divine writ that whenever you hear people deny the truth of Allah's messages and mock at them, you shall avoid their company until they begin to talk of other things - or else, verily, you will become like them. Behold, together with those who deny the truth Allah will gather in hell the hypocrites}.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

1:46 PM

پیغام رحمت و انقلاب۔ ۔ ۔ - - - -2

بے حد و حساب دعاؤں کے ساتھ

Second Segment is appended below.

19.  Keep your gazes lowered devoid of any lecherous leers and salacious stares [24/30-31, 40/19]. {TELL the men to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity: this will be most conducive to their purity - [and] verily, Allah is aware of all that they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity, and not to display their charms [in public] beyond what may [decently] be apparent thereof; hence, let them draw their head-coverings over their bossoms. And let them not display [more of ] their charms to any but their husbands or their- - - - - -; and let them not swing their legs [in walking] so as to draw attention to their hidden charms- - - 24 : 30-31}. 

{For He is aware of the [most] stealthy glance, and of all that the hearts would conceal    40 : 19}.

20.  If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut.  You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is a trivial matter.  But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16]. {When you take it up with your tongues, uttering with your mouths something of which you have no knowledge, and deeming it a light matter whereas in the sight of Allah it is an awful thing ! And [once again]: Why do you not say, whenever you hear such "IT DOES NOT BEHOVE US TO SPEAK OF THIS, O YOU WHO ARE LIMITLESS IN YOUR GLORY: THIS IS AN AWESOME CALUMNY?   24 : 15-16}.

21.  When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favorable view about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter. Consider others innocent until they are  proven guilty with solid and truthful evidence [24/12-13]. {Why do not the believing men and women, whenever such is heard , think the best of one another and say "THIS IS AN OBVIOUS FALSEHOOD?". WHY do they not [demand of the accusers that they] produce four witnesses to prove their allegation? - for, if they do not produce such witnesses, it is those [accusers] who, in the sight of Allah are liars indeed}.

22.  Ascertain the truth of any news, lest you smite someone in ignorance and afterwards repent of what you did [49/6]. {O YOU who have attained to faith ! If any iniquitous person comes to you with a [slanderous] tale, use your discernment, lest you hurt people unwittingly and afterwards be filled with remorse for what you have done}.

23.  Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge.  (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for yourself.  In the Court of  your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning [17/36]. {And never concern yourself with anything of which you have no knowledge; verily [your] hearing and sight and heart - all of them - will be called to account for on Judgement Day}.

24.  Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody knows more than yourself.  Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge [12/76].   Even the Prophet [p. b. u. h] was asked to keep praying, "O My sustainer!  Advance me in knowledge. " [20:114]. {--------We do raise to [high] degrees [of knowledge] whomever We will - but above everyone who is endowed with knowledge there is ONE who knows all 12 : 76}. 
{[Know] then, [that] Allah is sublimely exalted, THE ULTIMATE SOVEREIGN, THE ULTIMATE TRUTH: and [knowing this] do not approach the Qur'an in haste, ere it has been revealed unto you in full but [always say "O MY SUSTAINER, CAUSE ME TO GROW IN KNOWLEDGE" 20 : 114}. 

25.  The believers are but a single Brotherhood.  Live like members of one family, brothers and sisters unto one another [49/10]. {All believers are but brethren. Hence, [whenever they are at odds] make peace between your two brethren, and remain conscious of Allah, so that you might be graced with His Mercy}.

26.  Do not make mockery of others or ridicule others [49/11]. {See 28}.

27.  Do not defame others [49/11]. {See 28}. 

28.  Do not insult others by nicknames [49/11]. O YOU who have attained to faith ! No men shall deride [other] men; it may well be that those [whom they deride] are better than themselves; and no women [shall deride other] women; it may well be that those [whom they deride] are better than themselves; And neither shall you defame one another, nor insult one another by [opprobrious] epithets: evil is all imputation of iniquity after [one has attained to] faith; and they who [become guilty thereof and] do not repent - it is they, who are evildoers}.

29.  Avoid suspicion and guesswork.  Suspicion and guesswork might deplete your communal energy [49/12]. {See 31}.

30.  Spy not upon one another [49/12]. {See 31}.

31.  Do not backbite one another [49/12]. O YOU who have attained to faith ! Avoid most guesswork [about one another] - for, behold, some of [such] guesswork is [in itself] a sin; and do not spy upon one another, and neither allow yourselves to speak ill of one another behind your backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would loath it ! And be conscious of Allah. Verily, Allah is an acceptor of repentance, A DISPENSER OF GRACE}.

32.  When you meet each other, offer good wishes and blessings for safety.  One who conveys to you a message of safety and security and also when a courteous greeting is offered  to you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous or (at least) of equal courtesy [4/86]. {But when you are greeted with a greeting [of peace], answer with an even better greeting, or [at least] with the like thereof. Verily, Allah keeps count of all things}.

33.  When you enter your own home or the home of somebody else, compliment the inmates [24/61]. {- - - - - But whenever you enter houses, greet one another with a blessed, goodly greeting, as enjoined by Allah. In this way Allah makes clear unto you His Messages, so that you might [learn to] use your reason}. 

34.  Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought permission; and then greet the inmates and wis a life of blessing, purity and pleasure [24/27]. O YOU who have attained to faith ! Do not enter houses other than your own unless you have obtained permission and greeted their inmates. This is [enjoined upon you] for your own good, so that you might bear [your mutual rights] in mind}.

35.  Treat kindly -Your parents-Relatives-The orphans- And those who have been left alone in the society [4/36]. {AND WORSHIP ALLAH [ALONE] ! and dont ascribe divinity, in any way, to aught beside Him. And do good unto your parents, and near of kin, and unto orphans, and the needy, and the neighbor from among your own people, and the neighbor who is a stranger, and the friend by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom you rightfully possess. Verily, Allah does not love any of those who, full of self-conceit, act in a boastful manner}.

الہہ کریم پڑھنے، سمجھنے، اور عمل  کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرماے ! آمین

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5:14 PM

پیغام رحمت و انقلاب۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ 1۔

بے حد و حساب دعاؤں کے ساتھ

Beseeching Allahu Ta'ala for the highest rewards for the brother who shared this treasure with me. I may, however, clarify at the outset that brothers looking for exact meaning of the verses may find little variation as this generally is not the literal translation of the referred Ayat but conveys the message contained therein. I am, therefore, appending the precise translation too in parenthesis {IN GREEN} for easy reference. There are total Sixty (60) Verses but due to shortage of time and space it will be blogged in four (4) different segments InshAllah.

Worth sharing with friends, Muslims, non-Muslims, believers and non-believers (you don't have to be a Muslim to appreciate these teachings) -- these verses have at least one positive aspect, they help people understand what Islam is all about, they are good bridge-building material.

Sixty Verses from Holy Koran for Wise Guidance in Life 
1.  Respect and honor all human beings irrespective of their religion, color, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]. {NOW, INDEED, We have conferred dignity on the children of Adam, and borne them over land and sea, and provided for them sustenance out of good things of life, and favored them far above most of Our creation}
2.  Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70]. {O YOU who have attained to faith! Remain conscious of Allah, and (always) speak with a will to bring out [only] what is just and true}
3.  Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 2/83]. {AND TELL My servants that they should speak in the most kindly manner [unto those who do not share their beliefs]: Verily Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men - for, verily, Satan is man's open foe. 17 : 53}. 
{AND LO ! We accepted this solemn pledge from you the children of Israel: "You shall worship none but Allah; and you shall do good unto your parents, and kinsfolk, and the orphans, and the poor; and you shall speak unto all people in kindly way; and you shall be constant in prayer; and you shall spend in charity." And yet, save for a few of you, you turned away: for you are obstinate folk. 2 : 83}   
4.  Do not shout.  Speak politely keeping your voice low.  [31/19]. {Hence, be modest in your bearing, and lower your voice: for, behold, the ugliest of all voices is the (loud) voice of asses}.
5.  Always speak the truth.  Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious [22/30]. [-------------Shun, then, (all that Allah has forbidden and, most of all) the loathsome evil of idolatrous beliefs and practices; and shun every word that is untrue}.
6.  Do not confound truth with falsehood [2/42]. {And do not overlay the truth with falsehood, and do not knowingly suppress the truth}. 

7.  Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3/167]. {------Unto apostasy were they nearer on that day than unto faith, uttering with their mouths some thing which was not in their hearts, the while Allah knew fully well what they were trying to conceal}. 

8.  Speak in a civilized manner in a language that is recognized by the society and is commonly used [4/5]. {And do not entrust to those who are weak of judgement the possessions which Allah has placed in your charge for (their) support; but let them have their sustenance therefrom, and clothe  them, AND SPEAK UNTO THEM IN A KINDLY WAY}. 

9.  When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative [6/152]. {--------And (in all your dealings) give full measure and weight. with equity; [however] We do not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear; AND WHEN YOU VOICE AN OPINION, BE JUST, EVEN THOUGH IT BE (AGAINST) ONE NEAR OF KIN. And [always] observe your bond with Allah; this has He enjoined upon you, so that you might keep it in mind}.

10.  Do not be a bragging boaster [31/18]. {And turn not you cheek away from people in [false] pride, and walk not haughtily on earth; for, behold, Allah does not love anyone who, out of self-conceit, ACTS IN A BOASTFUL MANNER}.

11.  Do not talk, listen or do anything vain [23/3, 28/55]. {And who turn away from all that is frivolous. 23 : 3}.
{And, whenever they heard frivolous talk,  having turned away from it and said "unto us shall be accounted our deeds, Peace be upon you - (but) we do not seek out such as are ignorant [of the meaning of right and wrong] 28 : 55}.  

12.  Do not participate in any paltry.  If you pass near a futile play, then pass by with dignity [25/72]. {And [know that true servants of Allah are only] those who never bear witness to what is false, and [who], whenever they pass by (people engaged in) frivolity, pass on with dignity}. 

13.  Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or overt [6/151]. {Say: "Come, let me convey unto you what Allah has [really] forbidden to you; Do not ascribe divinity, in any way, to aught beside Him; and [do not offend against but, rather] do good unto your parents; and do not kill your children for fear of poverty - (for) it is We who shall provide sustenance for you as well as for them; AND DO NOT COMMIT ANY SHAMEFUL DEEDS, BE THEY OPEN OR SECRET; and do not take any human being's life - [the life] which Allah has declared sacred - otherwise than in [the pursuit of] justice: this has He enjoined upon you so that you might use your reason"}. 

14.  If, unintentionally, any misconduct occurs by you, then correct yourself expeditiously [3/135]. {And who, when they have committed a shameful deed or have [otherwise] sinned against themselves, remember Allah and pray their sins be forgiven - for who but Allah could forgive sins? - And do not knowingly persist in doing whatever [wrong] they may have done}.  

15.  Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people [31/18]. 

{And turn not you cheek away from people in [false] pride, and walk not haughtily on earth; for, behold, Allah does not love anyone who, out of self-conceit, ACTS IN A BOASTFUL MANNER}.

16.  Do not walk haughtily or with conceit [17/37, 31/18]. {And walk not on earth with haughty self-conceit: for, verily, you can never rend the earth asunder (into pieces), nor can you ever grow as tall as the mountains 17 : 37}. 

{And turn not you cheek away from people in [false] pride, and walk not haughtily on earth; for, behold, Allah does not love anyone who, out of self-conceit, ACTS IN A BOASTFUL MANNER 31 : 18}.

17.  Be moderate in thy pace [31/19]. {Hence, be modest in your bearing, and lower your voice: for, behold, the ugliest of all voices is the (loud) voice of asses}.

18.  Walk with humility and sedateness [25/63]. {For, [true] servants of the Most Gracious are [only] they who walk gently on earth and who, whenever the foolish address them, reply with [words of] peace}.


May Allah  keep us all under His protection and guidance and 
enable us to read, understand and follow His Message. Aameen.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5:46 PM

لو پھر آیا ماہ انقلاب و رحمت۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

آمد ماہ صیام مبارک ھو ۔ الہہ کریم اس کے فیوضات و برکات سے استفادہ کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرماے؛ آمین

O YOU who have attained to faith! Fasting is ordained for you as it was ordained for those before you, so that you might remain conscious of Allah: {Fasting} during a certain number of days. But whoever of you is ill, or on a journey, [shall fast instead for the same] number of other days; and (in such cases) it is incumbent upon those who can afford it to make sacrifice by feeding a needy person. And whoever does more good than he is bound to do, does good unto himself thereby; for to fast is to do good unto yourselves - if you but knew it. AL-BAQRA (2) : 183-184.
Fortunate are those who will find the month of Ramadan and fast/pray with utmost devotion and sincerity. Hazrat Abu Huraira R A narrated a Hadith from Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam regarding the superiority of Fasting and the Rewards therein.
By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of Musk. Allah Says 'He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me and I will give reward for it and the reward of good deeds is ten times'. Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam said 'Fasting is a shield and the person observing fast should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him he should tell him "I am Fasting". Bukhari and Muslim.
Some other important Ahaadith are:-
Patience is half Eemaan and Fast is half patience.
Every good deed of people can go waste due to their transgression except the reward of fasting.
Fast is for Allah and its reward is unchangeable.
The one who with faith and sincerity -  observes fast his all sins will be forgiven.
When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the Devils are chained.
There is a gate in Paradise called Ar-Raiyan, and only those who observe fast will enter through it on the Day Of Resurrection.
Every living thing requires food for health, nourishment and endurance. Our bodies are as old as our age and we endeavor rigorously to feed these bodies for their upkeep. Our Souls may be millions of years old as they were around before the 'Day of Alast' yet most of us are highly indifferent towards their food and health. All types of  Prayers and Fasting in particular are the Tonics for our Souls. Hazrat Ali Hajveri RA wrote in Kashaful Mahjoob that 'To remain hungry is the Allah's food for the Souls'. He also advised the believers that:-
Keep your stomachs empty.
Remain thirsty.
No make ups and precious dresses for your bodies.
You will be able to see the "ANWAAR-O-TAJJILIAT" (Blessings and Signs) of Allah in this world. And during Ramadan fast in such a manner that it is the fast of every muscle and organ of your bodies.

Hazrat Ali Hajveri RA writes that Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam came in my dream and I requested him for an advice. Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam said "Keep Your Senses under your control all the time". Keeping senses under control means to refrain from sins and vices all the time and under all circumstances. FASTING KEEPS US AWAY FROM ALL SINS AND VICES, PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL.
As per Hadith, Allah Karim showers His Blessings on those who Fast, and those who receive His Blessings will not endure any punishment in the hereafter.

In Ramadan every night the universe reverberates with:-
Any needy whose needs be met?
Any one who wants to repent  so that he be forgiven?
Any one desiring Paradise so that his wish is met?
There is one night in Ramadan which is better than one thousand nights and that is Lylatul Qadar which falls on any of the odd nights of last ten days of Ramadan with a preponderance of opinion towards 27th. It is a special night with special rewards for the devotees. All supplications are granted except:-
Habitual Boozers.
Disobeying Children
Relation Breakers
Those who hate others and keep grudges.
Allah Karim Grant us strength and fortitude to observe the fasts of Ramadan in a manner taught to us by  Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam and as is liked by You. Aameen


Friday, July 13, 2012

5:27 PM

کرو مہربانی تم اہل زمیں پر۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

دل کی گہرایوں سے دعائیں سب کے لئے ۔ الئہ کریم ہمیں صحیح سوچنے اور سمجھنے کی توفیق عطا فرماے ۔ آمین

Allah Karim, the Most Gracious, the Dispenser of Grace; likes unflinching Faith, conspicuous Grace, faculty to Perceive and Analyze, strength to Forgive and Forget, capacity to seek Counsel and Reflect, attributes of Humility and Tenderness, fairness in Dealings and Deeds -  and Absolute Trust in Him from His Beings. While addressing Rasool Ullah Salalaho Allihe Wassalm in Quran-e-Karim, Allah Karim Says:-
And it was By Allah's Grace that You [O Prophet] did deal gently with your followers; for if you had been harsh and hard of heart, they would indeed have broken away from you. Pardon them, then, and pray that they be forgiven. And take counsel with them in all matters of public concern; then, when you have decided upon a course of action, place your Trust in Allah Karim: for, verily Allah Karim Loves those who place their Trust in Him.
If Allah succours you, none can ever overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who could succour you thereafter? In Allah Karim, then, let the believers place their trust. AALE IMRAN (3) : 159-160.
We must be Allah-Conscious (MUTTAQI) while dealing with fellow beings and follow the course outlined by Him and demonstrated by His Rasool Salalaho Allihe Wassalm "O MANKIND! Be conscious of Your Sustainer Who has created you out of one living entity, and out of it created its mate, and out of the two spread abroad a multitude of men and women. And remain conscious of Allah Karim, in Whose Name you demand {your rights} from one another. and of these ties of kinship, Verily Allah Karim is ever watchful over you. AL-NISA (4) : 1".

Man is a social animal and is persistently interacting with self or others. Our dealings with self and others are three dimensional:-
Sustained opposition to demands of our carnal self.
Justice and Fairness - with others.
Exquisiteness in Dealings is also three dimensional:-
To reach out to others with impartiality and righteousness.
To spend (for self and others) with magnanimity.
To sacrifice in the Way Of Allah and His Creatures with Grace.
Fairness and even-handedness becomes possible by:-
Resort to scrupulous self accountability.
Constant apprehension of award and reward of deeds.
To endeavor with the best possible effort.
Judicious expense is made possibly by:-
Avoiding niggardliness and meanness.
Benevolence with poise.
Identifying the needs of needy.
Sacrifice is dependent upon following:-
Parameters ordained by Allah Karim supersede everything else of life and creation.
Success in the hereafter has precedence over all temporary pleasure of this world.
Nearness to Allah Karim outweighs each worldly pursuit.
Unfortunate are those who do not believe in what Allah Karim has ordained and who are not immersed in the Remembrance of Allah Karim. "But as for him who shall turn away from remembering Me - his shall be a life of narrow scope; and on the Day of Resurrection We shall raise him up blind. TA'HA (20) : 124." Remembrance of Allah Karim and absolute belief and trust in Him washes away the gloom,sorrows and miseries.

Tenderness and humility are the beauty of human conduct and without this 'beauty' ugliness always spoils the relations and manifests feuds. compassion in conversation, smile on face and a caring outlook are the attributes of blessed ones. They are akin to bees which suck the nectar and produce the honey. They sit on the flower, get the nectar but do not disturb the petals or break the branch they sit on. People like humane person and love to sit and share with him.

To Forgive is the attribute of Allah Karim and He likes those who forgive and forget. Rasool Ullah Salalaho Allihe Wassalm said "A Muslim is - from whose tongue and hands others are safe and A Momin is - from whom others' lives and properties are safe" and "I have been ordained to unite with those who are cut away from me and to forgive those who have been cruel and unjust to me and to give to those who do not give me".

Allah Karim Says:-
کرو مہربانی تم اہل زمیں پر
خدا مہرباں ھو گا عرش بریں پر



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

6:11 PM

سبق پھر پڑھ صداقت کا عدالت کا ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔

Allah Karim se IZZAT for everyone and uski hifazat ki taufeeq mangta hoon!
{And We said} O David! Behold , We have made you a vicegerent on earth; judge, then, between men with justice, and do not follow vain desire, lest it leads you astray from the path of Allah Karim: Verily, for those who go astray from the path of Allah Karim there is suffering severe in store for having forgotten the Day of Reckoning! SAD (38) : 26.
Few days back a brother sent me a message which read:-
First Words of today's speech from the new President of Egypt Dr. Muhammad Morsi "I fear Allah SWT and no body else. I will be always one of you. I have been given the authority over you, but I am not the best of you. If I do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Obey me so long as I obey Allah SWT and His Messenger Salalho Allihe Wasalam, but if I disobey Allah SWT or His Messenger Salalho Allihe Wasalam, you owe me no obedience".
My reply to brother read as:-
JazakAllah for sharing. I draw your attention to a page from our history. Almost same words were uttered by Hazrat Abu Bakr Sidiq R A in his inauguratory Khutba (speech) after being elected as Khalifa-Tur-Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalm, and how true he remained to his resolve? History bears testimony to the fact. May Allah Karim In His Infinite Mercy bestow strength and resolve to Egyptian President to be true to his words; Aameen.
I pray and hope that Rulers in every Muslim country become answerable to Allah Karim, the people who elected them and their-selves and try to emulate the glittering standards set by Khulfa-e-Rashideen;  InshAllah Ummah will regain its lost glory, and be role model for others - yet again. To be back to where we belonged; we have to follow Allah Karim and Deen-e-Mateen given to us through Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam and if we do that, Allah Karim's Rehma which is engulfing us consistently - would become manifested in every thing we do; InshAllah.

May Allah Karim make all the Muslim Rulers and Muslims as Rasool Ullah Salalho Allihe Wasalam said:- 
The best rulers are those who have no ambition of ruling and who dislike it most. And the worst among the people is the double faced person who appears to some with one face and to the others with another face. BUKHARI & MUSLIM.
سبق پھر پڑھ صداقت کا عدالت کا شجاعت کا
لیا جاے گا تجھ سے کام دنیا کی امامت کا


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2:22 PM


Allah Karim se sab ke liye eeman-o-Izzat ki Dua.

There is lot to Blog about, heartless strikes, power outages, scorching weather, passionless politics, raging poverty and high cost of living,  very hurting  feeling of helplessness, religious bigotry, End Games in the Region, Changes in the land of Pyramids, burning Damascus, boiling youth, apathy of the Muslim Ummah and much much more:-
گنوا دی ھم نے جو اسلاف سے میراث پائ تھی
ثریا سے زمیں پر آسماں نے ھم کو دے مارا
Nevertheless as I had blogged before that some documents of interest concerning 1971 debacle have been shared by an elder which I shall upload (Brother Amir Muhammad Mumtaz be thanked for reminding me), therefore, I am appending below some write ups and a must see YouTube link.
This is about 9-10 Minutes movie and will explain to you the role of KGB and RAW in creating the crises.

General A M Yayha Khan got a secret affidavit recorded, read below about it.

A Secret Affidavit of General Yahya Khan

Published by: Bangladesh Defence Journal
in the Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan many behind-the-scene details have been revealed regarding the 1971 war…
"It was Bhutto, not Mujib, who broke Pakistan. Bhutto’s stance in 1971 and his stubbornness harmed Pakistan‘s solidarity much more than Sheikh Mujib’s six-point demand. It was his high ambitions and rigid stance that led to rebellion in East Pakistan. He riled up the Bengalis and brought an end to Pakistan‘s solidarity. East Pakistan broke away."
The above statement was made by former President of Pakistan General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan (February 4, 1917 – August 10, 1980) in his secret Affidavit placed with the Lahore High Court. Twenty-seven years after his death, in December 2005 the Pakistan government released this document for public information. In this affidavit, Yahya Khan describes many sensational incidents that occurred before the 1971 war and after, during his rule. He writes of his role as President, his shortcomings, of how he was used like a pawn in a chess game. He speaks of traitors behind the scenes, of the roles played by Bhutto and Mujib, of how and why the Pakistan army cracked down on Bengalis, how far the Generals were responsible, who were behind the genocide and so on. Other than the Hamudur Rahman Commission Report of 1972, this is the only publication containing the statements of Yahya Khan, giving his version of the events of 1971.
Once the war ended, Bhutto immediately took over power and placed President Yahya Khan under house arrest. The Bhutto government treated Yahya Khan and his family ruthlessly. When General Ziaul Haq came to power in 1977, he released Yahya Khan. It was then that Yahya decided on this affidavit, to record his statements for posterity. He made this affidavit through Advocate Manzur Ahmed Rana of the Lahore High Court.
The affidavit consists of 57 pages. Before the affidavit was filed with the court, Yahya Khan carefully scrutinized each typed page in May 1978 at his house in Rawalpindi . He made a few amendments here and there and then signed the document, declaring it to be the truth. After a long spell of illness, this military ruler finally breathed his last in August 1980 in the house of his brother Muhammad Ali in Lahore .
In his affidavit, Yahya Khan states how the government had been pushed back against the wall. Awami League President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gained immense power and Yahya Khan could not accept his attitude. He says that Mujib had brought the administration to a standstill. This was unacceptable, intolerable. This was a rebellion against the government. He says that there was no alternative to military action against this uprising. He says he did not launch Operation Searchlight on March 25, 1971 at the behest of Bhutto or anyone else. He issued these order in his capacity as President and Army Chief in order to quell the uprising.
Yahya Khan, in this document, is unwilling to accept that the cessation of East Pakistan and the surrender of the Pakistan army as a military defeat. He says this  was a naked conspiracy of India . He berates India and Russia for their role in this regard and has all gratitude for the United States and China for their support. He terms Mujib as a patriot, but says that Awami League had a section of radical leftists who were instigating him. They did not want to relinquish the opportunity to materialize India‘s long cherished dream of breaking up Pakistan.
According to Yahya Khan, it was Tikka Khan who issued the orders to capture Mujib dead or alive. Bhutto had wanted to hang Mujib. Mujib was prepared to change his six-point demand if necessary. The news of America‘s Seventh Fleet and China‘s involvement in the war were rumors. Yahya claims that in the end he wanted to leave East Pakistan‘s power in the hands of Awami League.
Abu Rushd, editor of the Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan, is a journalist. He is the Editor of Bangladesh Defence Journal. His interest lies in investigative journalism, particularly in the fields of security and defence. He has dealt in this sector while working for various dailies in the past. It is his interest in this field that led him to publish this particular book and also to publish the Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan in Bangladesh Defence Journal and in Amaar Desh.
This 112-page book devotes 48 pages to the original text and 24 pages to some rare photographs. It also contains a life sketch of Yahya Khan as well as Rushd’s comments on the affidavit.

Below is a copy of a letter addressed to Prime Minister (ex) Khaleda Zia of Bangla Desh regarding ancestry of Mujib (UNVERIFIED).
This was an open letter addressed to Khaleda, More than 200000 Copies were distributed among the Public in the major towns of Bangladesh


Honorable Prime Minister

Of late, the Minister for Education has instructed that in the new text books of schools Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s life history must be written. As it is an accepted universal fact that none can write history at his will or whims. History always evolves in the natural course of time and space. Therefore, Madam Prime Minister, appreciating this directive we the people of Bangladesh would humbly appeal with a caution to the Minister that a true and factual history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should be incorporated in the text books as the nation deserves to know how we were gifted with a leader of his stature who is being proclaimed as the ‘Father of the Nation’.

To help the Minister in his discourse, I would like to put forward some relevant facts acquired from the preserved documents in the archive of the Indian government not known to many of our countrymen.

In those preserved documents, some relevant information is recorded about the birth history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his child hood.

In early nineteen twenties, one Mr. Chandi Das was a practicing lawyer in the Civil Court at Kolkata. He had a young beautiful daughter named Gouribala Das. One Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti was working as a junior assistant to Mr. Chandi Das. Mr. Chakravarti had a free access to Mr. Das’s residence at his will and used to visit the family frequently. In the process he developed intimate personal illicit relationship with Gouribala. Consequentially, Gouribala became pregnant. When pregnancy was confirmed Gouribala and her father started pressing hard on Mr. Chakravarti to get married. But Mr. Chakravarti being a high cast Brahmin was not only outraged and flatly denied his illicit relationship but audaciously refused to marry Gouribala who

belonged to a lower cast. He also disowned the claim that the child was sired by him. Such behavior from Mr. Chakravarti came as a rude shock to the entire family particularly to Mr. Das and he became seriously ill thinking about the ill fate of his beloved daughter’s future. Finally, Gouribala gave birth to a son on 12.12.1920. The son was named after Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti as Dev Das Chakravarti. Thereafter, Mr. Das persistently kept on requesting Mr. Aronnyo to accept Gouribala

as his wife and Dev Das as his son but of no avail. In this melee the boy became three years old.

At that time, having no way out Mr. Das begged Mr. Sheikh Luthfur Rahman, his Muhuri (Document Writer) to marry Gouribala. The obedient Muhuri obliged Mr. Das and married Gouribala after she and begotten son Dev Das, sired by Mr. Chakravarti got converted into Islam taking the Muslim names Sahera Begum and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accordingly.

An affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court in this regard.


1. Mr. Abdur Rahman Shafayet, Court Daroga

Police Station (PS): Vandaria Post Office: Vandaria
District: Erstwhile Barisal

2. Shree Anil Kumar, Court Daroga District: Erstwhile Barisal

Madam Prime minister, if the above information is authentic then the public demands that these should be included while writing the birth history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. If it is proven otherwise, then we the people urge the government to publish in the text book the name of Maternal Grand Father of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with detailed history of his maternal ancestry.

NB: It’s an earnest appeal to every conscious citizen of Bangladesh

that each one of you should distribute at least five copies of this
Leaflet for conveying the true facts to grow awareness among the
younger generation.