Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Friday, December 10, 2010


Some point in time, one Mr. Julion Assange from Australia decided to put together something which would have the capability to act like a mirror and show the real faces of wolf-crying liars running the show in this mortal world. He managed to find an access to the so-called classified material lying in the archives of world's capital country known as United States of America. He started displaying the information thus obtained on his website and named it Wiki-leaks. Initial dispatches did create few ripples here and there but the furor caused by present leaks is unprecedented.

Americans are flabbergasted but unrepentant because they know and practice religiously "MIGHT IS RIGHT".

Julion has been nabbed on sex charges in the mother country and probably will be extradited to Sweden for standing trial but his real destination may be somewhere "where Emanuel Noriaga is" but that will be possible only if Australia does a Pakistan.

The leaks just show how professional, analytical and cunning US diplomatic corps is and how they "run with the hare and hunt with the hound". Initial documents narrate the dismal story of Muslim World and their inept, corrupt to the core, unpatriotic leadership of all hues and shades. How fond each one of them is to host even the lowest tier US reps? And say things which are pleasing for the ears of guests with the sole motive of prolonging their cancerous presence in the positions they are in, to lynch the poor masses and steal the rich resources of their countries and to hide their wealth in foreign lands (which Allah Willing they will never be able to use because MALLE HARAM BOOD - JAI HARM RAFT).

It is mind-boggling as to why these folks do not look towards Allahu Taala Who created them, provided them every thing, yet they are ungrateful and do not learn any lesson whatsoever - they do everything what their worldly masters ask them to do and still they perish, unfortunately at the hands of those on whom they depend.

There are so many question lurking in my mind and I am sure lot of Pakistanis; (without doubting anyone's integrity) who all, since independence, have been on the payroll of foreign masters?

Why was Quaid left to die in the ambulance unattended?

Did Liaquat initially oblige and then retracted? Or was he offloaded because his task was over?

Who were Ghulam Muhammad and Iskandar Mirza and on whose bidding they played the games which they did? From where came Muhammad Ali Bogra?

When did Ayub Khan proclaim allegiance to his "friends and not masters"?

Who nurtured Yahya Khan and what did he facilitate for them other than presiding over the dismemberment of Pakistan?

Who introduced ZAB to Mirza and Ayub Khan? Why did he tear the Polish resolution? Why he parted ways with those who made him an example? Did his refusal to comply took him to the gallows?

Who was Zia Ul Haq and when he joined the band wagon; was he spotted during his ruthless killing of Palestinians in Jordan or was it way back? Why he had to be converted to ashes?

Who unearthed NS and for what purpose? Why he had to be incarcerated for such a long time? Why despite his cooperative overtures he is still Persona non Gratia?

Why Benazir had to be physically eliminated?

Did Musharaf do everything which he did at his own?

Who has the benefited the most with every elimination in Bhuttos?

Are important appointments are approved/controlled from somewhere else?

What lies ahead for Pakistan?


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