Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Call for Unity and Positive Change in Pakistan

Friends, well-read and sincere gentlemen who believe in constructivism and rational choices have been making earnest pleas to everyone who wants to see Pakistan as a powerful, peaceful, and prosperous state. Unfortunately, their appeals seem to have fallen on deaf ears. Some are either overconfident in their ability to handle everything alone or pessimistic and afraid of the outcomes of collaboration. As a result, Pakistan is on the losing side.

The game of getting equal, turning personal biases, hurts and power-mongering into animosity, allegations and counter-allegations continues unabated. The culture of ‘Self before anything else’ has become pervasive. People never acknowledge their mistakes; it's always someone else's fault. This endless perfidious cycle has done little to address the root causes of our problems. Instead, it has created a society more focused on hate, vendetta, fault-finding, and escaping accountability than on finding solutions. No one admits failure; everyone claims personal success.

کام کو چھوڑ کے ہم نام کے پیچھے ہیں عطا     

وہ شجر بوۓ نہیں جن کے ثمر مانگتے ہیں

The decay is widespread, and everything is unraveling … Long List, only few below (All progressive and interconnected) :-

The First - Homes apparently have stopped churning out ‘Citizens’; early stages gone for the Candy Crush and later, opportunity allowing, ‘Crush the State Resources’. 

The Second … Our Educational Institutions, struggle with outdated curricula and inadequate resources. Product … On the display everywhere. 

Third … The Healthcare System, meant to safeguard the well-being of our citizens, is plagued by inefficiency and corruption. 

Fourth … The Planners and the Plans … Developmental and Welfare projects, which should herald progress, often become symbols of loot, mismanagement and broken promises. 

Fifth … Decades of bad governance, mismanagement, and swindling have left every Pakistani, from the newly conceived to those nearing the grave, under significant debt that may take decades to reduce and service.

These and many more are not merely failures of the State; these are collective failures that require collective responsibility.

Embracing  Reality 

The journey towards a better Pakistan starts with embracing Unity, Sincerity, State before Self mentality and Across the Board Accountability. Each of us has a role to play in this transformation. Whoever and wherever we are, our contributions matter. Instead of waiting for change to happen, we must be the change we wish to see. Let bygones be bygones and make a fresh start.

A Vision for the Future

Despite the current dismal conditions, there is hope. The potential for a prosperous and harmonious Pakistan exists within each of us. We have the talent, the resources, and the spirit to overcome adversity. However, this potential can only be realized if we shift our mindset from hate, vendetta, greed, selfishness and blame,  to action, from despair to hope, and from division to unity.

Ours is the Agro-Based State (much of the extremely fertile agricultural land though has been devoured by lemming-factor thrown Housing Societies) saving (the land), ploughing, sowing and scientific growing need of the hour.  We had a proficient Industrial base that must be revived. Our nation is rich in mineral resources, cultural heritage, natural beauty, and human capital. We are a land of diverse opportunities. By fostering a culture of positivity and resilience, we can harness these opportunities and transform them into tangible outcomes.

The Power of Positive Thinking

DREAMS DO MATERIALIZE. Somebody said, “The only place where dreams become impossible is in the thinking of the dreamer.”

This quote serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining a positive outlook. Our dreams for a better Pakistan are not unattainable fantasies; they are achievable goals that require dedication, optimism, and hard work. Positive thinking is not about ignoring our problems; it is about believing in our ability to solve them.

Let us move  towards a culture of accountability and positive action. Our successes and failures are our own, and it is within our power to shape the future of our nation. By dreaming big, thinking positively, and working collaboratively, (time running out fast) we can navigate through these dismal times and create a Pakistan that we are all proud to call home.

The journey will not be easy, but with determination and unity, we can turn our dreams into reality. 

Let us dream, Believe, and Achieve—Together

Akhtar N Janjua

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