Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

4:16 PM


Salam and Duaien ... 

Friends, one was away in the lands far off ... Amazed at the Industry, Discipline, Will and Sincerity of those who were devastated by the war, cut to half and ravaged by the forces of subjugation in the mid fifties, years off from our independence ... We are still at the Nadir they already have gone past the Zenith ... Corruption, Incompetence and Infighting has ruined us ... Condemned us to 'Look-Downs Status' ... Yet we refuse to learn ... 

We have the uncanny knack to tread the NO-GOs. We often go wrong in our conclusions, estimates, projections and conduct. We act first and resort to thinking later. Our perceptions are faulty. there are paradoxes in our SAY and DO. Our 'Places' determine our conduct, motives our sides, and Self before Soul our criterions. Our capriciousness decides our Right and Wrong ... and ... We are masters in turning the avoidable into MUST GO ... There is no middle course for us ... Just a little scan of the Social Media says it loud that irrationality and absurdity drive us. Everyone has license in using and abusing the Religion ... There are those and in plenty who don't even have the elementary knowledge of Religion  ... and there are those who claim to KNOW ALL. The Right is somewhere IN-BETWEEN ... BUT WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE NO COMPROMISES ON CERTAIN THINGS AND THAT INCLUDE ALLAH AND HIS PROPHETS ... EVEN EU COURT SAID SO.

If we just want to fight ... then ... Fight we must but for . . .

Right there is (if we don't know then we must learn) on which are based our ideas and ideals . . . We, however, develop conflicts from nowhere as a routine and fight the bloody fights for the sake of fight ... sacrificing the life, property and esteem at the altar of our elephant ego and refusal to learn and be refined, incurring the wrath here and hereafter.
Fights shouldn't be there just to prove that 'might is right'.Instead we must fight for the just cause only ... with clean soul and stainless character. 
We must not use trickery to persist in nurturing the evil because that is cruelty and absurdity just to manipulate to meet own ends.
Bottomline ... the enemy lives within us or with us concealing the gun behind his back to lay us waste on the first opportunity ... Let us find and fight that enemy.

تیرے در سے جو یار پھرتے ہیں
در بدر یونہی خوار پھرتے ہیں

