Allah created humans from a male and a female and made into tribes and nations for identification. However the most righteous is the most honoured. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is a White any way better than a Black. All created beings are the decendants of Adam and existence of Adam sprang from dust. hence all claims to superiority and greatness, all demands for blood or ransom and all false traits or trends of rule are false.


Sunday, November 29, 2015

1:16 PM


Salam !

Some wise man said, 
"There is something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty",
.... and there must be people on earth who would guard their integrity and character at any cost. In the land of pure, however, dictum followed is, 
"When you walk up to opportunity's door, don't knock ...... Kick that B***h in, smile and introduce yourself", stand behind THE CHAIR and with THE POWER ..... and that is the BOTTOM LINE set by the twin sisters LUST and GREED.
It is time of LBEs in Pakistan, Ruling Parties in Federating Units are winning and shall keep on till the time they hold the reins of power (WHITHER FEDERATION???). As usual independent candidates make their grand entry as very close second and are looking to kick the ***** in. I owe gratitude to few who asked my opinion for their choices to JUMP IN. I regret my inadequacy to advice them, instead narrated them a story from the Farsi literature which I had read in my 7th class and a couplet from Dr. Iqbal. First the story :
In a certain era a land was struck by a long and killing Drought where every living thing started perishing due to shortage of water and food. One night a very healthy Hound of a rich man was prowling across the wasteland near the Princely Mansion of his Master when he came across a starving skinny Wolf who was barely able to walk. The wolf enviously looked at the Hound and asked as to how he was maintaining himself in such a good condition? The Hound told him that his Master was very rich and gave him food in abundance and in return he just ensured that no trespassers ventured in Master's estate. The wolf asked him, will his Master take him in if he also performed the same duty? The Hound consented to recommend him and they started walking towards the Mansion. As they reached near the outer wall of the House, the Wolf looked at the wrapping around the neck of the Hound and asked as to what was that? It is the strap with which my Master chains me during the day time and you will have to endure the same, replied the Hound. The Wolf turned back saying, I WILL PREFER DYING FREE THAN LIVING CHAINED ...... 
My question was, will you like to become your would be MASTERS' VOICE (though you have been voted in while contesting against them) and servant to their kids who in some cases should be younger than your grand children????

....... and the verses from the Great One are :

دیارِ عشق میں اپنا مقام پیدا کر
نیا زمامہ، نئے صبح و شام پیدا کر

مِرا طریق امیری نہیں غریبی ہے
خودی نہ بیچ، غریبی میں نام پیدا کر

Duaien and Best Wishes :
Akhtar N Janjua

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

1:19 PM



My last post called for INTROSPECTION on the avoidable uproar for an innocuous looking mention of GOVERNANCE, instead on the display has been outlandish CEREBRAL DESTITUTION. Taking lead from a TV program, just explored the Social Media and found how reactive and abusive certain people can be..... 

My advice .... Don't mess with the BACKBONE, it can causes paralysis OF THE BODY or RETRIBUTION :
دل دھڑکتا ہے کسی بے نام خدشے سے ریاض
کون کہہ سکتا ہے آتی رت میں کیا ہونے کو ہے

If you are being trolled, it is because you are someone who makes a difference.

Elsewhere, people who stood for their motherland are being persecuted after almost five decades in the name of DEVI OF PATRIOTISM when those who did not see THE HAPPENING have already procreated twice. (Air waves say at least one Pakistani political leader had the strength of character to raise his voice) :
Killing innocents on so called WAR CRIMES "It shows exactly what you can do if you're A TOTAL PSYCHOTIC."

Hanging old people on the flimsiest grounds .... WAR CRIMES?
"Any punishment that does not correct, that can merely rouse rebellion in whoever has to endure it, is a piece of gratuitous infamy which makes those who impose it more guilty in the eyes of humanity, good sense and reason, nay a hundred times more guilty than the victim on whom the punishment is inflicted."

Ex President of IRP is acquitted ..... and Editorial page of one Newspaper is filled with columns on Multan today, both highlight incompetence, greed and insensitivity. Clubbing both together, a paragraph from a story I am reading seems to be THE ADDRESS OF 'PAKISTAN' to its rulers of the DAY and YORE ... I try hereby to reproduce that :
You have been very poor in taking risks for me. You never had constructive dreams to pursue. Whenever you got the chance, your sole objective has been to fill your coffers for which purpose you have never disappointed yourself.
But whenever you look back – you will hear your heart saying: “What did you do with the miracles that God sowed for your days? What did you do with the talent that your God entrusted to you? You buried it deep in a grave because you were afraid to lose it. So this is your inheritance:
.... And when you hear these words, the magic instants of your life will have already passed.

"They seek to deceive God and the believers, but they only deceive themselves, though they do not realize it." 2:9.

Duaien and Best Wishes :
Akhtar N Janjua

Sunday, November 15, 2015

3:01 PM




Mention of 'GOOD GOVERNANCE' in an ISPR press release kicks up lot of dust, demon of insecurity surfaces and there are shrieks "THE CHAMPS ARE HERE" inside and out of the August Houses.......

اپنی اپنی جفاوں نے ہمیں یک جا کیا
ورنہ میں تیرا نہ تھا اور تو میرا نہ تھا

I have Newspapers of today lying on my table and there is one noteworthy headline; very potent and important voice and that is CJP ..... "ملک میں بیڈ گورننس کا ماحول ہے "

Doesn't it merit a good look inward and at the things around if two of the most important Institutions say ALL IS NOT WELL ... or still mantra would be گڈ گورننس ہمارا طرہؑ امتیاز ہے

Duaien and Best Wishes :
Akhtar N Janjua
2:35 PM


Salam and Duaien !

Wanted to write on a different topic but GOINGS-ON merited few updates on the FACE BOOK and TWITTER...  sharing below : (got some very good comments which can be seen on Face Book, shares and re-tweets).

Killing humans is condemn-able, Paris, Peshawar, Gaza, Kabul, Baghdad, Damascus, Benghazi, Aden, TWIN TOWERS or MEDICAL FACILITY IN AFGHANISTAN .... anywhere on the Globe...

Going on KILLING SPREE in revenge would not solve the problem; it will aggravate it definitely ... history testifies....

Way Out :

Reasons are well known;

Give people their rights..

Stop discrimination on colour, creed, religion, region, wealth and ward robe..... Bush-Blair combos and contempt therein produce killers on both sides .... Perpetrators and Put-to-Swords ....

Rather putting your fingers on the trigger, hold your head in your palms and think; RUTHLESSNESS IS MAKING EARTH WORTH LIVING OR DESTROYING HOPES TO LIVE?

Food for thought for both sides, A GERMAN PROVERB :
"Revenge converts A LITTLE RIGHT into A GREAT WRONG."


There is a world of difference between terrorist acts and the Islamic Shari'a. Islam is not only a religion, but a way of life. And at its heart lie the sacred principles of tolerance and dialogue. ....

Same must be true for all religions, whosoever indulges in killing of innocent HAS NO FAITH IN GOD AND FOLLOWS NO RELIGION.


Killing of innocent anywhere on the Planet by anyone is a crime against the humanity. HELL TO ALL KILLERS; State or nonState.


Akhtar N Janjua


Monday, November 2, 2015

3:45 PM


Duaien ....

Pakistan is a land of 'happenings'.. huge Sacrifices, grand Selflessness,  utter Selfishness,  licentious Greed, immodest Lust, law fearing (interpret 'fearing' it is meaningful) masses, law hating leaders; all in one package.  it sees Jolts, it is Jostled, it experiences Ruins through Reigns, People cry 'Wolf', fry Sheep and let Wolves feast on it........... and the Life goes on..

Last few weeks saw a flurry;

PM dashing to USA again, a 'highly successful' visit, visible results... plans to rein in the man who Indians say DEMONIZES them.
Human Rights ... Pakistan misses out at Geneva..... WHY? 

First Phase LBEs in Punjab and Sindh see the light; (Ruling party comes second at my own Chakwal ... amazing, isn't it?)

Some Naveed Commando re-enacts Saulat Mirza, 

Haqqani (s) {see the 's' in the wake of US visit} re-emerge,

Some partings,

Winters cast their shadow much early,

News concerning corruption/corrupt and talk about expansion of operation to other parts of the country ..... mixed feelings ... mixed signals ....... certainly something shall have to give in ... definitely harbors extremely serious repercussions for the STATE and THE STATE OF THE MEN OF STATE....

Signs of dwindling 'FIRES' and impending fresh 'STORMS' ........

... and that is LIFE  ...... affected by so many different phenomenons in so many different ways. Philosophically Life is :      
Groomed by LIGHT (Knowledge & Observation);
Disfigured by LUST;
Tormented by LOSSES;

Successes add SHEEN to it;

Resolve and Exuberance keep it afloat,
STORMS chisel it.

We all must continuously look for the LIGHT, and LUST must see our FIGHT.  LOSSES must be on the BE PREPARED assignment list and SUCCESS must never incur  COMPLACENCY.

RESOLVE and EXUBERANCE be our weapons to combat STORMS ... and for those who are dejected..... well,

 ..... let every storm make you STRONG, POSITIVE and WILLING TO GO ON ...
And once the storm is over, you may not remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You may not even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t and must not be the same person who walked in...... YOU MUST BE STRONGER THAN EVER.......

Know that every day is a new day, start afresh with panache and keep going ..........

Duain once again !

Akhtar N Janjua
